Rank | Country | Imports of Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus/stenolepis ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Canada | $52,188,915 | | 2 | United States | $51,900,408 | | 3 | United Kingdom | $12,404,503 | | 4 | France | $11,735,769 | | 5 | Sweden | $8,232,471 | | 6 | Germany | $5,624,033 | | 7 | Denmark | $3,890,161 | | 8 | Netherlands | $2,469,907 | | 9 | Belgium | $2,028,436 | | 10 | Ireland | $1,111,138 | | 11 | Austria | $1,006,522 | | 12 | Poland | $544,005 | | 13 | Italy | $408,138 | | 14 | Switzerland | $365,554 | | 15 | Spain | $240,404 | | 16 | Singapore | $196,739 | | 17 | Ukraine | $147,687 | | 18 | Iceland | $113,639 | | 19 | Hong Kong | $81,868 | | 20 | Lithuania | $71,560 | | 21 | Mexico | $67,220 | | 22 | Romania | $60,716 | | 23 | Dominican Republic | $58,953 | | 24 | Latvia | $56,835 | | 25 | Greece | $43,261 | | 26 | Luxembourg | $40,101 | | 27 | Turkey | $36,587 | | 28 | Finland | $31,189 | | 29 | Israel | $30,000 | | 30 | Estonia | $25,825 | | 31 | Bulgaria | $25,321 | | 32 | Qatar | $21,737 | | 33 | Portugal | $20,875 | | 34 | Russia | $16,365 | | 35 | Norway | $16,285 | | 36 | Czech Republic | $15,637 | | 37 | Malaysia | $14,705 | | 38 | Bermuda | $14,029 | | 39 | Bahamas, The | $9,711 | | 40 | Hungary | $5,000 | | 41 | Slovakia | $3,234 | | 42 | Barbados | $3,012 | | 43 | Ethiopia | $2,164 | | 44 | Belarus | $1,700 | | 45 | Brazil | $1,545 | | 46 | Slovenia | $1,520 | | 47 | Thailand | $1,072 | | 48 | Malta | $1,020 | | 49 | Trinidad and Tobago | $733 | | 50 | Philippines | $566 | | 51 | Macau | $561 | | 52 | Moldova | $425 | | 53 | Korea, South | $132 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Algeria | | | | | $160 | | |
Antigua and Barbuda | $2,013 | $2,488 | $4,267 | | | | |
Australia | $742 | $1,773 | | | $6,290 | | $3,363 |
Austria | $75,971 | $176,625 | $888,707 | $815,934 | $1,227,542 | $1,006,522 | |
Bahamas, The | $456 | $237 | $425 | | $1,778 | $9,711 | $7,911 |
Bahrain | $1,237 | | | | | | $4,870 |
Barbados | $1,334 | $3,764 | $2,320 | $2,906 | $1,543 | $3,012 | $4,764 |
Belarus | $300 | | | $1,000 | $1,100 | $1,700 | $11,900 |
Belgium | $776,821 | $1,183,361 | $1,855,877 | $1,711,631 | $1,530,613 | $2,028,436 | $2,092,643 |
Bermuda | | | | | | $14,029 | |
Botswana | $243 | | | | | | $2,002 |
Brazil | | $1,203 | | | | $1,545 | |
Brunei | | $498 | | | | | |
Bulgaria | | $5,655 | $4,990 | $4,163 | $16,022 | $25,321 | $1,723 |
Canada | $38,773,730 | $42,130,148 | $53,466,673 | $50,951,854 | $43,230,515 | $52,188,915 | $35,875,021 |
Cape Verde | | | $123 | | | | |
China | $104 | | $2,012 | | | | $5,870 |
Croatia | | $734 | | | | | |
Cyprus | | $8,168 | $633 | | | | |
Czech Republic | $179,139 | $157,154 | $252,399 | $67,362 | $57,396 | $15,637 | $56,703 |
Denmark | $2,615,164 | $2,402,783 | $7,196,283 | $4,849,690 | $3,034,690 | $3,890,161 | $5,344,296 |
Dominican Republic | $1,773,402 | $459,617 | $280,495 | $237,469 | $59,624 | $58,953 | $102,581 |
Estonia | $684 | $725 | $2,015 | $60,722 | $12,525 | $25,825 | $49,077 |
Ethiopia | | | | $9,660 | | $2,164 | $2,795 |
Faroe Islands | $153 | | | | | | |
Finland | $11,837 | $48,266 | $6,047 | $38,240 | $9,220 | $31,189 | $49,370 |
France | $13,912,216 | $10,408,491 | $9,879,436 | $12,988,815 | $12,826,109 | $11,735,769 | $10,754,328 |
French Polynesia | $416 | | $399 | | | | |
Georgia | | | | $543 | | | |
Germany | $7,100,000 | $8,772,000 | $7,820,000 | $9,526,000 | $6,351,000 | $5,624,033 | $7,401,087 |
Ghana | | $421 | | | | | |
Greece | $42,167 | $8,039 | $71,970 | $40,706 | $158,352 | $43,261 | $7,469 |
Guyana | | | | $49 | | | |
Honduras | | $2,405 | | | | | |
Hong Kong | | | | | $17,686 | $81,868 | $40,701 |
Hungary | | | $51,000 | $15,000 | $6,000 | $5,000 | $10,000 |
Iceland | | $2,037 | | | | $113,639 | $311 |
Indonesia | $6,330 | $5,135 | | | $3,465 | | |
Ireland | $231,708 | $424,981 | $505,484 | $483,369 | $729,206 | $1,111,138 | $563,316 |
Israel | $8,000 | | | | | $30,000 | $39,000 |
Italy | $220,961 | $167,592 | $314,122 | $135,427 | $216,894 | $408,138 | $418,752 |
Jamaica | $18 | $30 | | | | | |
Japan | $57,693 | | $2,612 | | $22,090 | | |
Kazakhstan | $796 | $485 | | | | | |
Korea, South | $1,709 | | | $1,216 | $1,978 | $132 | $90 |
Kuwait | | $12,646 | | $5,493 | | | |
Latvia | $29,217 | $35,297 | $34,976 | $22,993 | $61,227 | $56,835 | $12,762 |
Lebanon | | $6,930 | | | | | $7,981 |
Lithuania | $82,679 | $65,139 | $56,503 | $35,054 | $119,789 | $71,560 | $4,097 |
Luxembourg | $28,985 | $29,894 | $34,431 | $67,748 | $29,750 | $40,101 | $57,349 |
Macau | $4,134 | $992 | $132 | | $56 | $561 | $2,075 |
Malaysia | | $2,001 | | $8,399 | $10,907 | $14,705 | $39,747 |
Malta | | $305 | $31,552 | $978 | $1,087 | $1,020 | |
Mauritania | | | | | | | $6,010 |
Mauritius | $1,546 | | | | | | |
Mexico | | $7,579 | | | $38,078 | $67,220 | $66,579 |
Moldova | | | | | $855 | $425 | |
Morocco | | | $1,229 | | $549 | | |
Namibia | $25 | $3,971 | $46,394 | | | | |
Netherlands | $786,927 | $1,351,777 | $1,338,210 | $1,713,665 | $1,916,556 | $2,469,907 | |
Netherlands Antilles | $5,873 | $135 | | | | | |
New Caledonia | $766 | | | | | | |
New Zealand | | | | | | | $1,651 |
Norway | $34,950 | $50,406 | $11,615 | $58,117 | $14,594 | $16,285 | $11,468 |
Oman | | | | $390 | | | |
Peru | | | | | | | $15,267 |
Philippines | | | $644 | $2,520 | | $566 | $1,142 |
Poland | $94,603 | $171,668 | $157,010 | $333,227 | $3,218,944 | $544,005 | $135,517 |
Portugal | $2,316 | $5,098 | $2,251 | $8,548 | $5,488 | $20,875 | $23,434 |
Qatar | $2,605 | $19,732 | $16,884 | $66,582 | | $21,737 | |
Romania | $9,433 | $12,172 | $26,240 | $59,370 | $46,481 | $60,716 | $61,153 |
Russia | $21,248 | $1,961 | $5,048 | $41,971 | $40,785 | $16,365 | $130,794 |
Rwanda | | | | | | | $277 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | | $199 | | | | | |
Saudi Arabia | | $52 | | | | | |
Serbia | | | | | $6,915 | | |
Singapore | $52,501 | $180,291 | $97,600 | $121,931 | $143,518 | $196,739 | $232,209 |
Slovakia | | | $14,624 | | $3,327 | $3,234 | $660 |
Slovenia | | $716 | $161 | $74 | $338 | $1,520 | $591 |
South Africa | | $239 | | $5,066 | | | |
Spain | $288,470 | $163,438 | $1,107,259 | $16,924 | $29,134 | $240,404 | |
Sri Lanka | | $94 | | | | | |
Swaziland | $653 | $274 | | | | | |
Sweden | $9,964,569 | $13,210,122 | $13,121,759 | $10,885,995 | $7,471,863 | $8,232,471 | $10,791,346 |
Switzerland | $140,288 | $177,409 | $252,295 | $307,076 | $274,785 | $365,554 | $442,388 |
Thailand | $122,119 | $3,970 | $224,682 | $26,634 | $393 | $1,072 | |
Trinidad and Tobago | | | | | | $733 | |
Turkey | | $95,876 | $92,884 | $53,476 | $50,877 | $36,587 | $24,872 |
Ukraine | $1,752 | $6,000 | $16,644 | $17,800 | $27,008 | $147,687 | $9,304 |
United Arab Emirates | $97,896 | | $7,721 | $126,966 | | | |
United Kingdom | $13,857,935 | $13,068,737 | $14,871,320 | $17,884,972 | $13,448,687 | $12,404,503 | $11,633,365 |
United States | $49,313,493 | $56,217,047 | $54,883,243 | $47,580,098 | $43,017,219 | $51,900,408 | $60,638,478 |
Venezuela | $1,920 | | | | | | |
Vietnam | $56,590 | $419,660 | | $2,753 | $39,224 | | |
Yemen | | | | $12,252 | | | |