Rank | Country | Imports of Beech (Fagus spp.), in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark/sapwood/r ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Austria | $76,758,325 | | 2 | China | $70,814,682 | | 3 | Italy | $64,461,494 | | 4 | Belgium | $43,147,148 | | 5 | Denmark | $8,857,689 | | 6 | Poland | $8,612,242 | | 7 | Sweden | $8,568,192 | | 8 | Slovakia | $7,382,325 | | 9 | Germany | $7,094,628 | | 10 | Luxembourg | $6,725,978 | | 11 | Czech Republic | $5,662,679 | | 12 | Japan | $5,402,757 | | 13 | Turkey | $4,389,995 | | 14 | Slovenia | $4,142,119 | | 15 | Portugal | $3,880,880 | | 16 | India | $3,728,422 | | 17 | Vietnam | $3,433,520 | | 18 | France | $3,368,036 | | 19 | Hungary | $2,802,000 | | 20 | Spain | $2,387,632 | | 21 | Tunisia | $2,359,969 | | 22 | Romania | $1,786,321 | | 23 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $1,458,499 | | 24 | Switzerland | $921,940 | | 25 | United Kingdom | $818,615 | | 26 | Qatar | $780,458 | | 27 | Bulgaria | $776,658 | | 28 | Malaysia | $589,949 | | 29 | Saudi Arabia | $570,934 | | 30 | Netherlands | $478,603 | | 31 | Estonia | $394,908 | | 32 | Oman | $391,785 | | 33 | Greece | $339,063 | | 34 | Finland | $322,632 | | 35 | Algeria | $319,159 | | 36 | Indonesia | $255,008 | | 37 | Morocco | $221,344 | | 38 | Lithuania | $202,361 | | 39 | Iran | $133,908 | | 40 | Cyprus | $115,146 | | 41 | United States | $105,416 | | 42 | Serbia | $98,655 | | 43 | Korea, South | $89,688 | | 44 | Moldova | $75,926 | | 45 | Canada | $67,519 | | 46 | Syria | $63,238 | | 47 | Albania | $60,832 | | 48 | Thailand | $54,876 | | 49 | Belarus | $48,100 | | 50 | Singapore | $42,527 | | 51 | Jordan | $40,521 | | 52 | Norway | $39,265 | | 53 | Mauritius | $37,641 | | 54 | Colombia | $31,859 | | 55 | Ireland | $27,405 | | 56 | Egypt | $27,279 | | 57 | Malta | $19,405 | | 58 | Georgia | $8,211 | | 59 | Bahamas, The | $5,561 | | 60 | Croatia | $4,239 | | 61 | Botswana | $2,329 | | 62 | Montenegro | $1,548 | | 63 | Mauritania | $965 | | 64 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | $925 | | 65 | Cameroon | $636 | | 66 | Mozambique | $579 | | 67 | Bahrain | $421 | | 68 | Brazil | $74 | | 69 | Aruba | $41 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | | $27,758 | $16,961 | $530 | $121,127 | $60,832 | $399,224 |
Algeria | $411,388 | $237,585 | $350,235 | $578,438 | $292,413 | $319,159 | $483,131 |
Aruba | | | | | | $41 | |
Australia | $1,217 | $3,953 | | | | | |
Austria | $44,363,347 | $53,713,286 | $76,760,930 | $76,246,369 | $70,742,615 | $76,758,325 | |
Azerbaijan | | $18,329 | $8,565 | | | | |
Bahamas, The | $1,043 | $3,093 | $4,840 | $769 | $6,730 | $5,561 | $2,131 |
Bahrain | $188,595 | $12,176 | $7,769 | $34,511 | $80,857 | $421 | $129,742 |
Bangladesh | | $12,086 | $20,340 | | | | |
Belarus | | | | $11,800 | $12,300 | $48,100 | $160,600 |
Belgium | $22,144,125 | $24,070,571 | $36,304,312 | $44,894,750 | $38,136,726 | $43,147,148 | $49,302,310 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $28,866 | $224,294 | $687,964 | $1,807,995 | $1,442,899 | $1,458,499 | $618,699 |
Botswana | $1,598 | $11,245 | | $33,602 | $27,202 | $2,329 | |
Brazil | | | | | | $74 | |
Brunei | | $3,227 | | | | | |
Bulgaria | $301,106 | $371,631 | $600,356 | $492,784 | $215,008 | $776,658 | $310,060 |
Burundi | | | | | $35,061 | | |
Cameroon | | | | | | $636 | |
Canada | $155,928 | $167,344 | $62,182 | $44,415 | $9,355 | $67,519 | $1,146,545 |
Cape Verde | $11,184 | | | | | | |
China | $38,805,539 | $54,065,223 | $98,104,290 | $88,603,665 | $51,357,150 | $70,814,682 | $116,690,814 |
Colombia | $12,274 | $27,656 | $35,356 | $21,224 | $17,846 | $31,859 | $6,306 |
Croatia | $8,624 | $35,575 | $151,600 | $25,754 | $8,106 | $4,239 | $44,793 |
Cyprus | $28,320 | $64,115 | $148,140 | $50,011 | $110,204 | $115,146 | $82,802 |
Czech Republic | $10,270,045 | $12,759,813 | $16,839,152 | $11,237,401 | $5,920,186 | $5,662,679 | $9,494,448 |
Denmark | $7,821,858 | $10,148,655 | $8,805,607 | $9,577,013 | $8,389,479 | $8,857,689 | $8,587,003 |
Egypt | $1,157,627 | $752,343 | $897,790 | $1,859,530 | $956,570 | $27,279 | $127,313 |
Estonia | $882,897 | $987,581 | $1,137,008 | $675,048 | $361,937 | $394,908 | $814,257 |
Faroe Islands | | | | | $1,269 | | |
Finland | $468,011 | $225,614 | $127,805 | $57,331 | $22,843 | $322,632 | $137,665 |
France | $4,886,260 | $5,686,376 | $9,234,350 | $9,552,636 | $2,787,017 | $3,368,036 | $3,468,824 |
Gambia, The | | | | $120,881 | | | |
Georgia | | $107 | | | | $8,211 | |
Germany | $7,916,000 | $8,781,000 | $9,511,000 | $17,530,000 | $3,907,000 | $7,094,628 | $10,952,493 |
Ghana | | | | $103 | | | |
Greece | $700,667 | $608,592 | $1,231,272 | $691,895 | $314,127 | $339,063 | $489,903 |
Greenland | | $56,230 | $36,351 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $1,094,607 | $1,343,184 | $847,231 | $24,364 | $30,064 | | |
Hungary | $951,000 | $831,000 | $4,092,000 | $2,981,000 | $1,942,000 | $2,802,000 | $4,590,000 |
India | $1,923,485 | $2,935,387 | $4,814,881 | $7,960,367 | $4,867,771 | $3,728,422 | $5,684,046 |
Indonesia | $231,021 | $423,527 | $96,081 | $478,082 | $208,938 | $255,008 | $516,369 |
Iran | $506,797 | | | | | $133,908 | |
Ireland | $273,486 | $233,668 | $107,790 | $368,742 | $149,197 | $27,405 | $35,178 |
Israel | | $181,000 | | $88,000 | | | |
Italy | $45,383,834 | $47,787,596 | $65,956,537 | $62,096,491 | $52,238,561 | $64,461,494 | $77,408,703 |
Japan | $6,472,068 | $6,536,617 | $7,190,434 | $7,223,142 | $6,816,826 | $5,402,757 | $7,200,970 |
Jordan | | | | $53,746 | | $40,521 | |
Kazakhstan | $61,852 | | $9,256 | $4,554 | $53,085 | | |
Korea, South | $507,835 | $345,418 | $343,888 | $217,607 | $243,409 | $89,688 | $144,804 |
Kuwait | | $88,492 | $287,910 | $286,921 | | | |
Latvia | $356,503 | $557,538 | $1,949,222 | $217,212 | | | $5,807 |
Lithuania | $73,875 | $453,295 | $102,611 | $72,825 | $129,944 | $202,361 | $151,381 |
Luxembourg | $6,751,900 | $4,457,433 | $12,270,828 | $6,646,109 | $5,129,881 | $6,725,978 | $7,815,178 |
Macedonia | | $10,569 | | $16,238 | $379,099 | | $447,053 |
Malaysia | $1,803,752 | $1,137,613 | $1,099,504 | $1,859,430 | $340,746 | $589,949 | $648,514 |
Maldives | | | $10,935 | | | | |
Malta | | | | | | $19,405 | |
Mauritania | | | | $1,003 | | $965 | |
Mauritius | $150,048 | $69,868 | $55,877 | $23,047 | | $37,641 | |
Mexico | | $6 | $51,051 | | | | |
Moldova | | | | $9,071 | $3,198 | $75,926 | $52,174 |
Montenegro | | | $7,394 | | $25 | $1,548 | $2,657 |
Morocco | $41,673 | $35,012 | $90,333 | $146,272 | $428,445 | $221,344 | |
Mozambique | | | | | | $579 | |
Namibia | $15,783 | $46,823 | | $28 | | | |
Netherlands | $535,806 | $561,565 | $1,354,680 | $885,566 | $550,975 | $478,603 | |
New Zealand | $35,957 | $34,645 | $1,600 | $25,556 | $22,796 | | $21,008 |
Nigeria | | $21,084 | $90,011 | $335 | | | |
Norway | $79,385 | $17,447 | $24,863 | $43,803 | $26,967 | $39,265 | $93,911 |
Oman | | $401,168 | | $68,663 | $127,248 | $391,785 | |
Pakistan | $92,527 | $25,716 | $17,016 | | | | |
Panama | | | $1,756 | $445 | | | |
Philippines | | | $17,644 | | | | |
Poland | $8,038,851 | $9,630,142 | $14,025,317 | $13,043,889 | $7,342,212 | $8,612,242 | $9,928,125 |
Portugal | $5,384,421 | $6,713,767 | $6,398,192 | $4,512,721 | $2,173,502 | $3,880,880 | $4,340,512 |
Qatar | $100,372 | $269,478 | $1,187,116 | $1,747,691 | | $780,458 | |
Romania | $11,357 | $160,034 | $711,167 | $247,657 | $842,101 | $1,786,321 | $635,872 |
Rwanda | | | | | | | $100 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | | | | | $925 | |
Saudi Arabia | $529,241 | $124,841 | $219,222 | | | $570,934 | |
Senegal | | | $58 | | | | |
Serbia | $42,094 | $127,918 | $193,166 | $126,229 | $16,777 | $98,655 | $143,249 |
Singapore | | | $667 | $16,940 | $79,265 | $42,527 | $17,885 |
Slovakia | $2,248,716 | $4,053,182 | $5,105,412 | $7,372,112 | $5,595,787 | $7,382,325 | $10,774,933 |
Slovenia | $12,524,454 | $10,593,445 | $9,556,695 | $7,192,368 | $4,295,265 | $4,142,119 | $4,937,165 |
South Africa | $71,067 | $78,388 | $60,248 | $35,170 | $7,086 | | $56,011 |
Spain | $8,630,232 | $8,488,690 | $11,661,548 | $5,400,106 | $2,294,011 | $2,387,632 | |
Sri Lanka | $16,587 | | | | $16,802 | | |
Swaziland | $287 | $481 | $68 | | | | |
Sweden | $21,795,602 | $13,682,373 | $13,598,396 | $14,695,909 | $3,314,169 | $8,568,192 | $12,984,458 |
Switzerland | $2,741,663 | $2,769,669 | $2,844,955 | $1,800,139 | $844,009 | $921,940 | $2,491,082 |
Syria | $46,660 | | | | | $63,238 | |
Tanzania | | | | $2,805 | | | $908 |
Thailand | $259,151 | $450,388 | $830,289 | $284,221 | $210,891 | $54,876 | $193,330 |
Tonga | | | | $35,580 | | | |
Tunisia | $2,198,453 | $1,902,150 | $2,127,062 | $2,161,462 | $2,366,094 | $2,359,969 | |
Turkey | $9,811,845 | $8,501,579 | $9,663,022 | $9,283,431 | $3,745,968 | $4,389,995 | $4,780,023 |
Uganda | $107 | | | | | | |
Ukraine | | $2,515 | | $3,740 | | | $25,299 |
United Arab Emirates | $272,619 | | $4,411,043 | $3,485,176 | | | |
United Kingdom | $2,409,309 | $2,421,619 | $2,312,415 | $2,282,790 | $1,800,575 | $818,615 | $1,053,528 |
United States | $173,366 | $83,261 | $7,600 | $10,843 | $6,786 | $105,416 | $43,153 |
Vietnam | $550,011 | $746,397 | $647,265 | $1,129,836 | $1,802,949 | $3,433,520 | |
Zimbabwe | | $5,092 | $178 | $219 | $689 | | |