Rank | Country | Imports of Railway/tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $9,207,848 | | 2 | Canada | $8,923,671 | | 3 | Japan | $7,455,422 | | 4 | Italy | $7,423,400 | | 5 | Belgium | $7,346,687 | | 6 | France | $5,946,088 | | 7 | Netherlands | $5,150,612 | | 8 | United Kingdom | $4,889,536 | | 9 | Mauritania | $3,134,120 | | 10 | Mexico | $2,711,322 | | 11 | Egypt | $2,488,035 | | 12 | Germany | $2,338,379 | | 13 | Latvia | $2,140,698 | | 14 | Spain | $1,252,683 | | 15 | Brazil | $1,245,862 | | 16 | Switzerland | $1,233,677 | | 17 | Denmark | $1,224,286 | | 18 | Czech Republic | $1,140,976 | | 19 | Korea, South | $1,088,422 | | 20 | New Zealand | $916,416 | | 21 | Georgia | $462,348 | | 22 | Austria | $431,914 | | 23 | Poland | $419,642 | | 24 | Finland | $399,529 | | 25 | Ukraine | $298,034 | | 26 | Sweden | $268,382 | | 27 | United States | $253,123 | | 28 | Norway | $248,155 | | 29 | Iran | $191,457 | | 30 | Bulgaria | $168,832 | | 31 | Slovenia | $155,864 | | 32 | Israel | $143,000 | | 33 | Hong Kong | $130,725 | | 34 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $120,263 | | 35 | South Africa | $119,669 | | 36 | Lithuania | $112,604 | | 37 | Luxembourg | $77,582 | | 38 | Serbia | $75,444 | | 39 | Samoa | $68,862 | | 40 | Romania | $52,503 | | 41 | Azerbaijan | $41,160 | | 42 | Algeria | $35,409 | | 43 | Estonia | $31,847 | | 44 | Ireland | $24,382 | | 45 | Hungary | $23,000 | | 46 | Zambia | $19,531 | | 47 | Indonesia | $17,785 | | 48 | Zimbabwe | $14,510 | | 49 | Slovakia | $11,691 | | 50 | Botswana | $6,092 | | 51 | Kyrgyzstan | $5,130 | | 52 | Syria | $5,076 | | 53 | Ethiopia | $2,921 | | 54 | Jamaica | $1,773 | | 55 | Oman | $1,469 | | 56 | Qatar | $1,013 | | 57 | Singapore | $847 | | 58 | Bahamas, The | $341 | | 59 | Gambia, The | $241 | | 60 | Tanzania | $167 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | $158 | $72,090 | | $4,912 | $1,305 | | $18,150 |
Algeria | | $185,796 | $321,569 | $1,180,536 | $786,476 | $35,409 | $218,988 |
Antigua and Barbuda | | | $6,120 | | | | |
Argentina | $74,374 | $4,164 | $629 | | $134,518 | | |
Austria | $716,289 | $247,098 | $1,076,983 | $1,707,911 | $1,105,734 | $431,914 | |
Azerbaijan | | | | $14,901 | $46,187 | $41,160 | |
Bahamas, The | $46,116 | | | $4,708 | | $341 | |
Bahrain | | $16,364 | $13,109 | | | | |
Belarus | | $398,900 | $1,538,400 | $1,752,200 | $4,900 | | |
Belgium | $3,368,187 | $3,824,222 | $10,515,901 | $13,805,439 | $8,987,609 | $7,346,687 | $9,139,932 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | $81,671 | $31,283 | | $7,265 | $120,263 | $428,973 |
Botswana | $26,420 | $8,645 | $21,075 | $33,382 | | $6,092 | $108,547 |
Brazil | $231,700 | $997,500 | $3,298,451 | $2,603,191 | $2,040,000 | $1,245,862 | $2,810,349 |
Bulgaria | $19,681 | $68,162 | | $46,885 | $97,385 | $168,832 | $51,627 |
Cambodia | | $915 | | | | | |
Canada | $13,890,166 | $19,391,090 | $8,344,462 | $6,603,970 | $9,773,407 | $8,923,671 | $14,751,408 |
Chile | $1,479,232 | $515,657 | | | | | |
China | $9,021,199 | $9,199,152 | $6,729,536 | $15,346,793 | $8,345,702 | $9,207,848 | $8,651,008 |
Colombia | $34,038 | $89,602 | $398,048 | | $357,372 | | |
Comoros | $43 | $27 | $1,117 | | | | |
Costa Rica | | | | $9,117 | | | |
Croatia | | | | | | | $11,464 |
Cuba | $203,426 | $4,495 | | | | | |
Cyprus | | | $8,611 | | | | |
Czech Republic | $1,316,183 | $1,563,293 | $2,678,367 | $5,293,335 | $1,237,727 | $1,140,976 | $4,012,929 |
Denmark | $526,849 | $505,885 | $1,246,070 | $1,426,928 | $1,038,769 | $1,224,286 | $1,126,784 |
Dominican Republic | | | | | $40,456 | | |
East Timor | $582 | | | | | | |
Egypt | | $1,542,572 | | $1,180,041 | $2,080,764 | $2,488,035 | $240,256 |
Estonia | $52,150 | $20,026 | $23,799 | | $110,911 | $31,847 | |
Ethiopia | | | | | | $2,921 | $164 |
Finland | $578,475 | $1,148,288 | $1,654,059 | $2,349,205 | $1,816,936 | $399,529 | $557,989 |
France | $3,786,323 | $6,621,759 | $8,012,802 | $12,657,280 | $3,890,443 | $5,946,088 | $4,981,304 |
Gabon | | $217,310 | $81,130 | | | | |
Gambia, The | | | | $816 | $17,970 | $241 | |
Georgia | | | $120,591 | $15,400 | $1,547,717 | $462,348 | |
Germany | $2,624,000 | $1,623,000 | $3,177,000 | $8,108,000 | $4,057,000 | $2,338,379 | $1,695,443 |
Greece | | | $7,950 | $65,833 | | | |
Guinea | | | | $1,020 | | | |
Hong Kong | | | | $5,798 | | $130,725 | $37,447 |
Hungary | | | | $184,000 | | $23,000 | $56,000 |
Iceland | $64,703 | $46,197 | | | | | |
Indonesia | | | | $135,390 | $655 | $17,785 | |
Iran | $9,937 | | | | | $191,457 | |
Ireland | $709,251 | $1,633,301 | $1,079,922 | $1,278,224 | $78,507 | $24,382 | $26,177 |
Israel | $289,000 | $50,000 | $98,000 | $143,000 | $86,000 | $143,000 | $160,000 |
Italy | $5,764,137 | $6,668,586 | $6,961,401 | $10,344,713 | $6,703,652 | $7,423,400 | $6,375,927 |
Jamaica | $301,988 | $516,981 | $57,688 | | | $1,773 | |
Japan | $8,360,494 | $10,480,372 | $8,766,574 | $8,723,501 | $7,278,527 | $7,455,422 | $8,130,230 |
Kazakhstan | $5,794,187 | $6,092,010 | $7,889,156 | $10,869,582 | $11,779,993 | | |
Korea, South | | | | $986,231 | $984,308 | $1,088,422 | $1,551,998 |
Kuwait | | $2,948 | $61,616 | $1,663 | | | |
Kyrgyzstan | | | | | | $5,130 | $23,887 |
Latvia | $55,209 | $55,448 | $5,913 | $882,307 | $1,337,205 | $2,140,698 | $1,286,053 |
Lebanon | | | | | $1,378 | | |
Lithuania | $1,482,506 | $946,078 | $988,240 | $508,949 | $260,128 | $112,604 | $260,367 |
Luxembourg | $33,636 | $11,317 | $14,258 | $28,851 | $73,643 | $77,582 | $228,218 |
Macedonia | | $94,019 | | | | | |
Madagascar | | $10,047 | | | | | |
Malawi | | $26 | | | | | $32 |
Malaysia | $4,488 | $137,471 | | $18,769 | $23,798 | | |
Mauritania | $3,972 | $129,401 | $9,686 | | | $3,134,120 | $3,846,629 |
Mexico | | $322,770 | $7,653,517 | $6,472,337 | $639,133 | $2,711,322 | $6,752,713 |
Moldova | | | | $9,358 | | | |
Mongolia | $9,906 | | | | | | |
Morocco | $522,884 | $707,321 | $381,403 | $383,297 | $654,067 | | |
Mozambique | | | | | $6,431 | | $3,000 |
Namibia | $8,827 | $1,533 | $24,171 | $110,301 | | | |
Netherlands | $29,836 | $37,689 | $429,600 | $975,448 | $2,542,854 | $5,150,612 | |
Netherlands Antilles | $90 | | | | | | |
New Zealand | $1,553,915 | $764,284 | $979,859 | $1,829,965 | $5,153,451 | $916,416 | $1,550,406 |
Niger | $215 | $67 | | | | | |
Norway | | | $39,618 | $124,265 | $576,954 | $248,155 | $65,656 |
Oman | $15,319 | | | | | $1,469 | |
Panama | | | | $203,351 | $49,603 | | |
Peru | | | | $50,176 | | | |
Poland | $92,398 | $379 | $86,340 | $483,819 | $37,654 | $419,642 | $1,059,064 |
Portugal | | | | | | | $14,484 |
Qatar | $48,560 | | $2,171 | $89,200 | | $1,013 | |
Romania | | $1,922 | | | | $52,503 | |
Rwanda | | $501 | $575 | | | | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | $36,554 | | $24,687 | | | | |
Samoa | | | | | | $68,862 | $1,309 |
Saudi Arabia | $1,533,201 | $55,303 | $311 | | | | |
Serbia | $396,270 | $507,861 | $439,927 | $702,962 | $361,305 | $75,444 | $324,238 |
Singapore | | | | $38,288 | | $847 | |
Slovakia | | | | | $8,841 | $11,691 | $75,703 |
Slovenia | $2,949 | $55,104 | $177,223 | $68,965 | $54,876 | $155,864 | $222,389 |
South Africa | $126,565 | $956,579 | $642,636 | $985,989 | $1,619,690 | $119,669 | $333,477 |
Spain | $303,120 | $2,032,345 | $994,870 | $1,361,943 | $1,258,230 | $1,252,683 | |
Sri Lanka | | $192 | | | | | |
Sudan | | $24,818 | | $300 | | | |
Suriname | | | | | $13,367 | | |
Swaziland | $12,418 | $81,330 | $3,100 | | | | |
Sweden | $113,188 | $61,681 | $326,464 | $578,384 | $66,123 | $268,382 | $32,839 |
Switzerland | $2,292,665 | $2,019,179 | $1,729,237 | $1,958,735 | $1,708,699 | $1,233,677 | $894,725 |
Syria | $1,394,533 | $1,532,663 | | | | $5,076 | |
Tanzania | | | | | $1,309 | $167 | $2,176 |
Tonga | | | | $991 | | | |
Tunisia | $25,001 | $1,812 | | | | | |
Turkey | | | | | | | $14,130 |
Uganda | | | $3 | | | | |
Ukraine | $8,962,690 | $4,543,893 | $1,643,420 | $3,799,070 | $1,197,581 | $298,034 | $337,736 |
United Arab Emirates | | | $12,783 | $3,092 | | | |
United Kingdom | $2,456,498 | $4,504,117 | $7,249,959 | $11,796,304 | $4,080,425 | $4,889,536 | $7,584,088 |
United States | $12,559,120 | $7,387,667 | $5,462,517 | $5,842,712 | $3,947,360 | $253,123 | $245,292 |
Uruguay | $285,475 | $654,407 | $772,040 | $5,644 | $205,811 | | |
Venezuela | $68,612 | $48,226 | | $81,410 | | | |
Zambia | | | | | $84 | $19,531 | |
Zimbabwe | $4,253 | $2,776 | $8,980 | $2,089 | $514 | $14,510 | |