Rank | Country | Imports of Coarse animal hair, not carded/combed in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $7,291,753 | | 2 | Germany | $3,004,784 | | 3 | United Kingdom | $1,294,743 | | 4 | Ireland | $1,094,562 | | 5 | Belgium | $820,377 | | 6 | Netherlands | $294,321 | | 7 | Turkey | $283,517 | | 8 | United States | $280,475 | | 9 | Vietnam | $115,560 | | 10 | Italy | $110,905 | | 11 | France | $104,713 | | 12 | Dominican Republic | $81,715 | | 13 | Slovakia | $78,145 | | 14 | Spain | $67,735 | | 15 | Greece | $43,587 | | 16 | Canada | $36,821 | | 17 | Japan | $31,216 | | 18 | Lithuania | $29,660 | | 19 | Finland | $26,004 | | 20 | Romania | $25,965 | | 21 | Switzerland | $23,539 | | 22 | Denmark | $19,297 | | 23 | Australia | $17,019 | | 24 | Austria | $10,955 | | 25 | Czech Republic | $9,199 | | 26 | Sweden | $8,765 | | 27 | Poland | $4,184 | | 28 | Hong Kong | $2,440 | | 29 | Indonesia | $450 | | 30 | Bahamas, The | $219 | | 31 | Iceland | $171 | | 32 | Argentina | $94 | | 33 | Antigua and Barbuda | $77 | | 34 | Portugal | $32 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | $308,213 | | | | | | |
Antigua and Barbuda | | | | | | $77 | |
Argentina | | | | $13 | | $94 | $177 |
Australia | $70,960 | $29,709 | $55,470 | $30,838 | $36,100 | $17,019 | $9,470 |
Austria | $10,106 | $21,992 | $4,457 | $915 | $19,980 | $10,955 | |
Bahamas, The | $8 | | | $1,057 | | $219 | $217 |
Belarus | | | | | | | $1,900 |
Belgium | $2,802,728 | $2,957,667 | $3,452,388 | $2,902,022 | $991,425 | $820,377 | $1,104,814 |
Bhutan | | | $244 | | $1,455 | | |
Botswana | $54 | | | $205 | $529 | | |
Bulgaria | $649 | | | | | | |
Canada | $7,966 | $13,829 | $29,177 | $40,222 | $15,616 | $36,821 | $39,090 |
China | $6,160,183 | $5,714,852 | $5,638,751 | $9,906,940 | $3,923,382 | $7,291,753 | $6,349,066 |
Comoros | $51 | | | | | | |
Cote d'Ivoire | | | | $100 | | | |
Czech Republic | $315,577 | $159,326 | $97,578 | $58,487 | $806 | $9,199 | $9,868 |
Denmark | | $21,595 | $25,232 | $38,904 | | $19,297 | $4,455 |
Dominican Republic | $15 | $45 | $332 | | $783 | $81,715 | |
Egypt | $78,219 | | | $59,574 | $111,514 | | |
El Salvador | | | | $167 | | | |
Estonia | $5,523 | $12,265 | $25,385 | | $211 | | |
Fiji | | | | $127 | | | |
Finland | $16,543 | $20,075 | $10,225 | | | $26,004 | |
France | $62,214 | $256,132 | $8,235 | $16,208 | $123,528 | $104,713 | $25,046 |
Gambia, The | | | | $544 | | | |
Germany | $3,814,000 | $3,624,000 | $3,725,000 | $4,003,000 | $2,641,000 | $3,004,784 | $3,039,989 |
Ghana | | $9 | | | | | |
Greece | $19,384 | | | $332,714 | $41,978 | $43,587 | $81,221 |
Guatemala | $107 | | | | | | |
Guyana | | | $79 | | | | |
Hong Kong | | | $33,052 | $42,103 | $7,030 | $2,440 | |
Iceland | | | $1,547 | $131 | $960 | $171 | $541 |
India | $305,048 | $137,343 | $381,163 | $53,043 | $33,690 | | $76,075 |
Indonesia | | $64 | | $2,873 | $12,276 | $450 | $24,708 |
Ireland | $1,368,594 | $1,300,474 | $1,318,758 | $1,559,839 | $840,744 | $1,094,562 | $876,214 |
Israel | | | | | | | $12,000 |
Italy | $170,390 | $174,695 | $60,375 | $94,727 | $116,611 | $110,905 | $173,340 |
Japan | $180,940 | $85,435 | $85,736 | $100,336 | $36,078 | $31,216 | $97,894 |
Korea, South | $5,500 | $37,700 | $212,995 | $58,131 | $28,495 | | $17,493 |
Kuwait | | $28 | | | | | |
Kyrgyzstan | | $407 | | | | | |
Lithuania | | | | | | $29,660 | |
Luxembourg | | | $67 | $114 | | | |
Malaysia | | | | | $572 | | |
Mauritius | $38,967 | $131,876 | $161,912 | $206,227 | $131,651 | | $175,069 |
Mexico | $13,309 | | | $17,665 | | | |
Namibia | $77 | | | | | | |
Nepal | | | | | $216 | | |
Netherlands | $698,662 | $1,030,165 | $807,043 | $225,443 | $171,569 | $294,321 | |
New Zealand | | $2,040 | | | | | $24,847 |
Norway | | $2,393 | | | $957 | | $670 |
Oman | | | $1,748 | | | | |
Pakistan | $5,524 | | | | | | |
Philippines | | $547 | | | | | |
Poland | $4,607 | $39,096 | $7,009 | $31,707 | $73,315 | $4,184 | $10,571 |
Portugal | $8,501 | $9,285 | $14,684 | $8,115 | $517 | $32 | $106,736 |
Qatar | $27,371 | | | | | | |
Romania | $6 | | $74,737 | | | $25,965 | $3,377 |
Russia | | $82,880 | | | $47,736 | | |
Saint Lucia | | | $102 | | | | |
Saudi Arabia | | $1,521 | | | | | |
Slovakia | $652,881 | | | | $53,658 | $78,145 | $336,946 |
Slovenia | | $10,331 | $8,479 | | | | |
South Africa | $21 | $467 | | | | | $46 |
Spain | | $13,068 | $14,103 | $13,961 | $146,625 | $67,735 | |
Swaziland | $7,173 | $58 | $543 | | | | |
Sweden | $73,405 | $9,918 | $23,743 | $7,390 | $5,005 | $8,765 | |
Switzerland | $2,865 | $6,050 | $23,080 | $16,199 | $6,101 | $23,539 | $24,401 |
Thailand | | | $557 | | | | |
Tunisia | | | $202 | | $21 | | |
Turkey | $56,979 | $56,163 | $55,841 | $50,116 | $9,364 | $283,517 | $189,890 |
Uganda | $30 | | | | | | |
United Arab Emirates | | | $27,428 | | | | |
United Kingdom | $975,321 | $1,323,659 | $2,200,100 | $2,547,135 | $851,672 | $1,294,743 | $1,530,243 |
United States | $320,541 | $243,333 | $505,122 | $486,533 | $178,747 | $280,475 | $168,697 |
Uruguay | | | | | $1,604 | | |
Venezuela | | | | | | | $2 |
Vietnam | $14,287 | $60,517 | $6,272 | $16,619 | $721,765 | $115,560 | |
Zambia | | $12 | | | | | |