Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...      $558
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ... $329     
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...$66,348$70,112$47,560$85,812$75,593$12,127$57,154
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...      $3,226
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...      $98
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres, n.e.s. in 55.16, dyed   $60,110   
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres, n.e.s. in 55.16, of yarns of diff. col ...$3,292     $829
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres, n.e.s. in 55.16, printed$1,516$1,500     