Bedspreads, knitted or crocheted$3,294$132 $2,582$14,197$10,494$57,393
Bedspreads other than knitted or crocheted$31,563$19,012$59,163$24,957$9,990$5,197$38,249
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), knitted or ...$152,911$60,859$10,686$2,558$90,000$98,474$352
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$2,408  $58,528$9,355$13,998$20,854
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$1,300$10$58$5,816$11,273$74$26,134
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$77,196$34,854$3,891$23,207$20,691$19,563$52,004