Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Opium | $1,242 | | $599 | $1 | $5,634 | | $1 |
Saps & extracts of liquorice | $8,181 | $3,063 | $8,503 | $8,969 | $5,307 | $7,875 | $5,692 |
Saps & extracts of hops | | | $5,656 | $676,046 | $102,746 | $19,861 | |
Saps & extracts of pyrethrum/of roots of plants cont. rotenone | $33,995 | | | | | | |
Vegetable saps & extracts (excl. of 1302.11-1302.14) | $137,465 | $13,072 | $7,469 | $3,778 | $2,896 | $10,944 | $15,302 |
Agar-agar | $1,018 | $1,331 | $1,508 | $162 | $198 | $215 | $1,075 |
Mucilages & thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans/ ... | | $1,751 | $1,834 | $47,392 | $2,804 | | $498 |
Mucilages & thickeners (excl. of 1302.31 & 1301.32), whether or not modifie ... | $17,495 | | | $68,041 | | $4,025 | $7,739 |
Total | $199,396 | $19,217 | $25,569 | $804,389 | $119,585 | $42,920 | $30,307 |