Commodity | 2005 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles | $5,073 | | | |
Swivel seats with variable height adjustment (excl. of 94.02) | $1,032 | | | |
Seats (excl. of 9401.10-9401.50), with wooden frames, upholstered | | $81,613 | | $293,364 |
Seats (excl. of 9401.10-9401.50), with wooden frames, other than upholstere ... | | | $15,781 | |
Seats (excl. of 9401.10-9401.50 & 94.02), with metal frames, upholstered | $5,303 | $21,239 | | $368,097 |
Seats (excl. of 9401.10-9401.50 & 94.02), with metal frames, other than uph ... | $7,957 | | | |
Seats (excl. of 64.02), n.e.s. in 94.01 | | $38,309 | $7,143 | $9,769 |
Parts of the seats of 94.01 | $3,743 | $1,316 | $70 | $93 |
Total | $23,108 | $142,477 | $22,994 | $671,323 |