Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Pigments & preps. based on chromium comps. | $76,271 | $48,315 | $95,671 | $23,234 | $69,092 | $199,911 | $148,621 |
Pigments & preps. based on cadmium comps. | $3,970 | $2,436 | $20,700 | | | | |
Ultramarine & preps. based thereon | | | | | | $87 | |
Lithopone & oth. pigments & preps. based on zinc sulphide | | | | | | $14 | $5,418 |
Pigments & preps. based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides & ferricyanides ... | $90 | $13 | | | | | |
Colouring matter & oth. preps. as spec. in Note 3 to Ch.32, n.e.s. in Ch.32 ... | $541,213 | $510,665 | $361,028 | $377,378 | $356,211 | $1,052,928 | $525,003 |
Inorganic prods. of a kind used as luminophores | $38,138 | $32,221 | | $1,076 | $110 | $50,085 | $82,959 |
Total | $659,682 | $593,650 | $477,399 | $401,688 | $425,413 | $1,303,025 | $762,001 |