Maple sugar & maple syrup$4,503$71,766$66,966$82,607$82,682
Glucose & glucose syrup, not cont. fructose/cont. in the dry state < 20% by ...$12,284$23,231$13,115$18,394$14,307
Glucose & glucose syrup, cont. in the dry state at least 20% but < 50% by w ...$634$646$3,180$1,371$3,264
Chemically pure fructose$13$27$29$33 
Fructose (excl. chemically pure fructose) & fructose syrup, cont. in the dr ...$782$2,887$664$251$66
Sugars, incl. invert sugar & oth. sugar & sugar syrup blends cont. in the d ...$83,314$101,394$95,181$80,176$77,070