Parts & accessories of motorcycles (incl. mopeds), other than saddles$3,576$8,452$397$161$1,062$609$3,565
Parts & accessories of carriages for disabled persons $5,737$18,403$17,970$64,687$67,305 
Frames & forks, & parts thereof , for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorc ... $8,255$2,753 $962$1,907$3,881
Wheel rims & spokes, for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & moped ...$1,051$333$4,282  $290$102
Hubs (excl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes) & free-wheel sprocket-wheels ... $1,947  $276  
Brakes, incl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes, & parts thereof , for vehi ...$11,519$11,669$27,681$30,567$36,608$13,720$17,109
Saddles for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)      $167
Pedals & crank-gear, & parts thereof (excl. motorcycles & mopeds)    $118$271 
Parts & accessories of the vehicles of 87.11-87.13, n.e.s. in 87.14$250,690$339,765$36,023$206,760$556,810$568,391$2,821,887