Dobbies & Jacquards; card reducing/copying/punching/assembling machines for ...   $215,304   
Auxiliary mach. (excl. of 8448.11) for machines of 84.44/84.45/84.46/84.47    $18,927  
Parts & accessories of the machines of 84.44/of their auxiliary mach.$4,118$4,070$180$344$295$341$1,864
Parts & accessories of card clothing mach.      $245,220
Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings & ring travellers$29,334  $2,088   
Parts & accessories of the machines of 84.45/of their auxiliary mach., n.e. ...  $94,443$22,072  $19,682
Parts & accessories of weaving machines (looms)/of their auxiliary mach., n ...$30,024    $38 
Sinkers, needles & oth.arts. used in forming stitches      $7,029