Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Ground-nuts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added/sugar/oth. sweeteni ... | $4,232,608 | $5,352,837 | $5,265,666 | $8,497,917 | $9,303,585 | $10,847,578 | $12,633,455 |
Nuts (excl. ground-nuts), incl. mixts., prepd./presvd., whether or not cont ... | $62,748,509 | $76,858,776 | $80,648,245 | $66,485,191 | $46,963,338 | $42,667,644 | $54,090,112 |
Pineapples, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetenin ... | $3,366,923 | $12,325,905 | $16,293,746 | $17,185,405 | $9,882,228 | $17,744,797 | $21,608,423 |
Citrus fruit, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ... | $204,442 | $218,777 | $765,904 | $858,430 | $602,873 | $497,961 | $1,366,077 |
Pears, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening mat ... | $390,033 | $938,925 | $1,800,921 | $3,846,581 | $2,543,816 | $1,966,213 | $2,821,805 |
Apricots, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ... | $1,269,842 | $614,693 | $2,031,313 | $1,905,966 | $1,132,531 | $866,843 | $1,102,996 |
Cherries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ... | $6,976,568 | $8,732,831 | $9,737,540 | $7,336,830 | $4,457,981 | $4,539,288 | $5,214,864 |
Peaches, incl. nectarines, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar ... | $37,524,999 | $43,894,024 | $66,043,331 | $70,367,546 | $51,949,140 | $49,422,808 | $69,514,549 |
Strawberries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ... | $230,181 | $565,783 | $762,344 | $1,237,702 | $951,614 | $1,259,829 | $1,708,431 |
Palm hearts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeteni ... | $1,632,047 | $1,854,087 | $2,445,222 | $2,877,938 | $2,179,032 | $2,379,262 | $2,406,671 |
Mixtures of edible parts of plants (excl. of 2008.19), prepd./presvd., whet ... | $6,360,428 | $8,712,334 | $18,520,038 | $13,878,707 | $8,373,857 | $10,190,408 | $14,783,447 |
Edible parts of plants, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/ot ... | $21,594,744 | $20,549,322 | $21,818,884 | $24,414,529 | $16,331,814 | $20,972,872 | $32,897,332 |
Total | $146,531,324 | $180,618,294 | $226,133,154 | $218,892,742 | $154,671,809 | $163,355,503 | $220,148,162 |