Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Pigments & preps. based on chromium comps. | $6,204 | $9,506 | $16,677 | $24,216 | $37,762 | $48,404 | $68,000 |
Pigments & preps. based on cadmium comps. | $602 | $5,325 | | | | | |
Ultramarine & preps. based thereon | $1,273 | $370 | $48 | | $108,987 | $2,213 | $13,000 |
Lithopone & oth. pigments & preps. based on zinc sulphide | | $4,927 | | | | | |
Pigments & preps. based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides & ferricyanides ... | $3,500 | $4,143 | $2,508 | | | | |
Colouring matter & oth. preps. as spec. in Note 3 to Ch.32, n.e.s. in Ch.32 ... | $184,905 | $287,880 | $169,777 | $223,606 | $268,953 | $242,678 | $534,000 |
Inorganic prods. of a kind used as luminophores | | $2,618 | $470 | | | | |
Total | $196,484 | $314,769 | $189,480 | $247,822 | $415,702 | $293,295 | $615,000 |