Maple sugar & maple syrup$234$54$166$1,358$408$1,692$35
Glucose & glucose syrup, not cont. fructose/cont. in the dry state < 20% by ...$393$52,429$15$10,219$300$19,737$16,389
Glucose & glucose syrup, cont. in the dry state at least 20% but < 50% by w ...$8,070 $697$59 $154 
Chemically pure fructose $40$634    
Fructose (excl. chemically pure fructose) & fructose syrup, cont. in the dr ...    $451  
Sugars, incl. invert sugar & oth. sugar & sugar syrup blends cont. in the d ...$10,522$10,607$7,754$6,239$3,959$14,293$9,092