Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates/cyls. | $3,284 | | $278 | $406 | | $152 | $2,478 |
Cameras of a kind used for recording documents on microfilm/microfiche/oth. ... | $253 | $2,678 | | | | | |
Cameras specially designed for underwater use/aerial survey/medical/surgica ... | | | | $3,539 | $639 | | |
Instant print cameras | $1,508 | | | $486 | | $1,025 | $813 |
Cameras (excl. of 9006.10-9006.40), with a through-the-lens viewfinder (sin ... | $38 | $144 | | | $2,537 | | |
Cameras (excl. of 9006.10-9006.51), for roll film of a width <35mm | | | $880 | $745 | $386 | | |
Cameras (excl. of 9006.10-9006.51), for roll film of a width of 35mm | $2,860 | | | $105 | | | |
Cameras n.e.s. in 90.06 | $2,901 | $4,141 | $7,491 | $6,547 | $1,158 | $2,341 | $613 |
Discharge lamp (electronic) flashlight app. | $389 | $132 | | | | | |
Photographic flashlight app. (excl. of 9006.61 & 9006.62) | $701 | $24,379 | | | $453 | $15,344 | $3,245 |
Parts & accessories of the cameras of 90.06 | $3,337 | | | $75 | | | |
Parts & accessories of the photog. flashlight app. & flashbulbs of 90.06 | $101,506 | | | | $155 | $1,911 | $77 |
Total | $116,777 | $31,474 | $8,649 | $11,903 | $5,328 | $20,773 | $7,226 |