Bed linen, knitted or crocheted$2,055,818$2,351,173$4,354,089  $4,421,872
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), printed, of cotton$5,120,184$4,119,734$4,577,610$2,678,137$2,357,001$4,431,472
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), printed, of man-made fibres$1,171,843$1,790,588$1,502,444  $2,516,003
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), printed, of textile mats. other tha ...$1,874,782$2,897,236$3,849,400  $4,196,539
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of cotton (excl. printed)$2,774,282$3,386,093$3,804,732  $5,007,206
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of man-made fibres (excl. printed)$2,079,064$2,328,398$1,269,859  $2,766,137
Bed linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of textile mats. other than cotton/ ...$4,077,642$4,011,970$4,898,893  $3,102,937
Table linen, knitted or crocheted$282,362$423,850$892,104  $1,074,935
Table linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of cotton$1,322,049$2,286,380$1,819,399  $1,411,202
Table linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of flax$15,662$234,463    
Table linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of man-made fibres$1,006,452$845,846$905,671  $614,667
Table linen (excl. knitted or crocheted), of textile mats.other than cotton ...$2,038,730$1,788,261$2,004,066  $2,430,403
Toilet linen & kitchen linen, of terry towelling/sim. terry fabrics, of cot ...$1,522,299$588,881$339,300  $409,067
Toilet linen & kitchen linen other than of terry fabrics, of cotton$21,886,465$19,248,550$19,806,954$3,199,471$3,961,404$28,941,103
Toilet linen & kitchen linen other than of terry fabrics, of flax$22,248$8,615    
Toilet linen & kitchen linen other than of terry fabrics, of man-made fibre ...$799,769$393,664$323,035  $545,867
Toilet linen & kitchen linen other than of terry fabrics, of textile mats. ...$638,337$878,129$758,018  $397,067