Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists/hoists of a kind used for rai ...$125,968$52,831$24,508$6,835$166,272$200,276$165,361
Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists/hoists of a kind used for rai ...$79,662$94,798$84,901$191,797$83,830$130,817$159,599
Pit-head winding gear; winches specially designed for use underground$825$12,952$194,562    
Winches (excl. of 8425.20), powered by elec. motor; capstans, powered by el ...$74,516$74,111$102,476$320,133$133,563$40,948$23,252
Winches (excl. of 8425.20 & 8425.31); capstans (excl. of 8425..31)$75,352$37,876$69,512$148,444$48,693$190,254$194,293
Built-in jacking systems of a kind used for raising vehicles, of a type use ...$125,055$69,546$65,751$193,464$179,290$255,564$205,377
Jacks (excl. of 8425.41) & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, hydr ...$315,189$309,965$500,167$549,115$617,707$339,272$437,415
Jacks & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles (excl. of 8425.41 & 8425 ...$250,446$375,499$449,739$434,097$580,316$227,295$335,879