Electrical capacitors, fixed, designed for use in 50/60Hz circuits & having ...$69,421$8,843$29,715$27,698$117,748$102,111$160,089
Fixed electrical capacitors, other than those of 8532.10, tantalum$15$822$500$1,062   
Fixed electrical capacitors, other than those of 8532.10, aluminium electro ...   $2,431$440 $173
Fixed electrical capacitors, other than those of 8532.10, ceramic dielectri ...      $276
Fixed electrical capacitors, other than those of 8532.10, ceramic dielectri ...  $4    
Fixed electrical capacitors, other than those of 8532.10, dielectric of pap ...$2,400$169   $110$8,949
Fixed electrical capacitors, n.e.s. in 85.32$25,787$49,596$50,902$45,025$35,207$82,562$48,938
Variable/adjustable (pre-set) electrical capacitors$11,748$4,124$13,696$20,815$51,137$49,139$11,967
Parts of the electrical capacitors of 85.32$14,929$141$7,805$59,923$321,215$15,143 