Saddles for motorcycles (incl. mopeds) $137,007$132,937$428,315$463,307
Parts & accessories of motorcycles (incl. mopeds), other than saddles$5,494,820$8,217,851$7,372,732$11,799,758$8,160,538
Parts & accessories of carriages for disabled persons $2,153  $2,047
Wheel rims & spokes, for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & moped ... $42,551  $351,369
Hubs (excl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes) & free-wheel sprocket-wheels ...    $10,581
Brakes, incl. coaster braking hubs & hub brakes, & parts thereof , for vehi ... $87,139  $129,232
Saddles for vehicles of 87.11-87.13 (excl. motorcycles & mopeds) $27,539$63,610$354,372$191,254
Pedals & crank-gear, & parts thereof (excl. motorcycles & mopeds) $1,968  $2,127
Parts & accessories of the vehicles of 87.11-87.13, n.e.s. in 87.14$2,107,518$3,042,315$3,608,287$4,782,697$3,617,331