Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss/clarki/aguabonita/gilae/apache/chr ... | $13,737 | $14,432 | $22,126 | $39,070 | $24,548 | $57,995 |
Pacific salmon/Atlantic salmon/Danube salmon [see list of conventions for s ... | | $6,531 | $14,466 | $59,433 | $67,499 | $61,663 |
Salmonidae (excl. of 0302.11 & 0302.12; excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03. ... | | $8,089 | $5,941 | $1,475 | $22 | |
Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus/stenolepis ... | | | | | | $733 |
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat ... | | | | | | $5,308 |
Flat fish (excl. of 0302.21-0302.23) [see list of conventions for species i ... | | | $5,386 | $22,908 | $31,449 | $7,919 |
Albacore/longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga), fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/ ... | | | | | | $837 |
Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/oth. fish ... | | $85 | $1,972 | | | |
Tunas, skipjack & bonito (excl. of 0302.31-0302.36), fresh/chilled (excl. f ... | | $1,223 | $1,130 | $968 | $2,682 | $20,473 |
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus/australasicus/japonicus), fresh/chilled (excl. f ... | | | | $6,991 | $1,055 | $15,739 |
Dogfish & oth. sharks, fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04 ... | | | | | $12,390 | $13,795 |
Eels (Anguilla spp.), fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/ ... | | | | | $763 | |
Fish, n.e.s., fresh/chilled (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers & ... | $3,146 | $59,539 | $155,369 | $127,874 | $167,152 | $2,913 |
Fish livers & roes, fresh/chilled | | | $160 | $741 | | |
Total | $16,883 | $89,899 | $206,550 | $259,460 | $307,560 | $187,375 |