Bedspreads, knitted or crocheted$12,194$60,246$4,515$24,556$5,384
Bedspreads other than knitted or crocheted$344,163$476,657$478,596$713,298$848,681
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), knitted or ...$106,073$137,318$173,432$69,321$89,510
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$194,729$202,963$151,550$219,362$150,976
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$69,552$181,288$112,472$230,451$211,999
Textile furnishing arts. other than bedspreads (excl. of 94.04), not knitte ...$7,416$6,772$15,522$6,950$9,883