Rock lobster & oth. sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp ...$33$1,948$927 $6,165$785$10,664
Shrimps & prawns, whether or not in shell, frozen$47,079$88,001$83,920$57,834$45,151$81,712$124,293
Crabs, whether or not in shell, frozen$13,219$9,037$7,558$4,611$22,728$3,819$982
Frozen crustaceans (excl. of 0306.11-0306.14); frozen flours/meals/pellets ...$6,429$537$11,758$3,025$4,920$1,912$278
Lobsters (Homarus spp.), whether or not in shell, other than frozen   $195   
Shrimps & prawns, whether or not in shell, other than frozen$34,860$10,603$18,586$37,441$17,530$23,574$34,605
Crabs, whether or not in shell, other than frozen$2,989$8,607$18,128$19,761$4,474$46$3,611
Crustaceans, other than frozen (excl. of 0306.21-0306.24); flours/meals/pel ... $6,341 $2,203$4,748  