Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Potatoes, uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, frozen | $22,798 | $240,348 | | | $446,727 | $507,424 | $48,479 |
Peas (Pisum sativum), shelled/unshelled, uncooked/cooked by steaming/boilin ... | $196 | $883 | $108 | $2,748 | $1,498 | | |
Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.), shelled/unshelled, uncooked/cooked by s ... | $68 | $457 | | | $32,813 | | $2,604 |
Leguminous vegetables (excl. of 0710.21 & 0710.22), shelled/unshelled, unco ... | | | | | $1,498 | | |
Spinach, New Zealand spinach & orache spinach (garden spinach), uncooked/co ... | | | | $669 | $40 | | |
Sweet corn, uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, frozen | $408 | $5,734 | $374 | | $247 | | |
Vegetables, n.e.s., uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, frozen | $8,497 | $23,958 | $15,473 | $14,386 | $35,047 | $14,248 | $1,451 |
Mixtures of vegetables, uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, froze ... | | $4,369 | $27,145 | $8,057 | $18,245 | $14,848 | $19,782 |
Total | $31,967 | $275,749 | $43,100 | $25,860 | $536,115 | $536,520 | $72,316 |