Ground-nuts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added/sugar/oth. sweeteni ...$28,735$20,501$30,802$28,436$47,742
Nuts (excl. ground-nuts), incl. mixts., prepd./presvd., whether or not cont ...$111,708$121,235$123,269$170,470$171,715
Pineapples, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetenin ...$15,651$5,577$9,267$36,620$23,341
Citrus fruit, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ...$8,495$2,260$8,978$8,108$11,918
Pears, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening mat ...$10,271$8,072$6,664$14,462$9,365
Apricots, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ...$11,845$8,802$11,447$20,404$35,049
Cherries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ...$2,547$2,769$6,093$5,197$3,588
Peaches, incl. nectarines, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar ...$7,961$17,581$12,788$11,444$12,320
Strawberries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ...$50$19,589$24,263$16,500$16,922
Palm hearts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeteni ...$1,737$1,563$366$177$42
Mixtures of edible parts of plants (excl. of 2008.19), prepd./presvd., whet ...$40,451$23,957$28,093$55,040$51,553
Edible parts of plants, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/ot ...$9,599$34,935$40,073$38,073$38,466