

Home > Canada > Lakes > Bruce Lake to Buck Lake

LakeStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Bruce LakeTerritoire du Yukon61.8-132.0833333
Bruce LakeYukon Territory61.8-132.0833333
Bruce LakeProvince of Ontario50.8-93.353471138
Bruce LakeProvince d' Ontario50.8-93.353471138
Brule LakeProvince of Alberta53.2833333-117.859813219
Brule LakeProvince d' Alberta53.2833333-117.859813219
Brule LakeProvince of Saskatchewan56.6666667-105.955211709
Brule LakeProvince de Saskatchewan56.6666667-105.955211709
Brunswick LakeProvince of Ontario49-83.3666667271889
Brunswick LakeProvince d' Ontario49-83.3666667271889
Brustad LakeProvince of Saskatchewan57.4-107.555181699
Brustad LakeProvince de Saskatchewan57.4-107.555181699
Bryant LakeProvince du Quebec51.9333333-59.01666673831257
Bryant LakeProvince of Quebec51.9333333-59.01666673831257
Buchans LakeProvince de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador48.85-56.8666667266873
Buchans LakeProvince of Newfoundland and Labrador48.85-56.8666667266873
Buck LakeProvince of Alberta53-114.758862907
Buck LakeProvince d' Alberta53-114.758862907
Buck LakeProvince du Quebec44.5333333-76.4333333133436
Buck LakeProvince of Quebec44.5333333-76.4333333133436

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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