

Home > Egypt > Mountains > An Nuhud to Gebel Tarbush el-Museiri

MountainStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
An NuhudMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar24.583333334.36666674491473
At TulaymatMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar29.063611132.3369444197646
Gebel `At el-GharbiMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar27.946388934.176388910123320
Gebel `ImeiyidMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.646388934.50305567462448
Gebel `UqdaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.666666734.53222227832569
Gebel Abu TurayfiyaMuhafazat as Suways29.968055632.09555564521483
Gebel Abu TurayfiyaMuhafazat as Suways29.968055632.09555564521483
Gebel el- RisasaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.737777834.52888899603150
Gebel el- Tulei`aMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar25.133333334.33333337392425
Gebel HaleifiyaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.235277834.061944421467041
Gebel HaleifiyaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.235277834.061944421467041
Gebel MaqnasMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.939166734.59472228172680
Gebel MikeiminMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.713333334.55805567432438
Gebel MuraikhMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.7534.33333338162677
Gebel NakheilMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar26.183333334.1333333160525
Gebel Safrat el-`AtMuhafazat Janub Sina'27.905555634.310833359194
Gebel TahunaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.683333333.61666678312726
Gebel TahunaMuhafazat Janub Sina'28.633.816666715425059
Gebel Tarbul Abu KhashiratMuhafazat al Jizah29.231.35195640
Gebel Tarbush el-MuseiriMuhafazat al Bahr al Ahmar26.816666733.51666677882585

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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