

Home > Australia > Places > Rangers Valley to Rawdon Vale

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Rangers ValleyState of New South Wales-29.5166667151.758912923
Rankins SpringsState of New South Wales-33.8333333146.2666667222728
RannesState of Queensland-24.1166667150.1166667106348
RannockState of New South Wales-34.65147.25251823
Rapid BayState of South Australia-35.5333333138.262203
RappvilleState of New South Wales-29.0833333152.9547154
RathdowneyState of Queensland-28.2166667152.866666795312
RathminesState of New South Wales-33.0333333151.6-1-3
RathscarState of Victoria-36.9666667143.5666667240787
Rathscar WestState of Victoria-37.0333333143.4833333229751
RavensbourneState of Queensland-27.3666667152.16666676362087
RavensfieldState of New South Wales-32.75151.516666727
RavenshoeState of Queensland-17.6333333145.48333339022959
RavensthorpeState of Western Australia-33.5833333120.0333333254833
RavenswoodState of Victoria-36.9144.21666673061004
RavenswoodState of Queensland-20.1146.8833333255837
RavensworthState of New South Wales-32.45151.066666773240
RawbelleState of Queensland-25.05150.8333333296971
Rawdon IslandState of New South Wales-31.4333333152.7666667620
Rawdon ValeState of New South Wales-31.9833333151.74981634

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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