

Home > Australia > Places > Sandmount to Sassafras Gully

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
SandmountState of Victoria-36145.5833333112367
Sandown ParkState of Victoria-37.95145.166666744144
SandringhamState of Victoria-37.95145723
SandsmereState of Victoria-36.2833333141.3333333155509
SandstoneState of Western Australia-27.9833333119.28333335331749
Sandy BayState of Tasmania-42.9116667147.339444460197
Sandy CreekState of Victoria-36.3147.1249817
Sandy FlatState of New South Wales-29.2333333152.01666677712530
Sandy HillState of New South Wales-28.9166667152.255561824
Sandy HollowState of New South Wales-32.3333333150.5666667151495
Sandy PointState of Victoria-38.8166667146.1413
SangarState of New South Wales-35.7146.1666667128420
SapphireState of Queensland-23.4666667147.7166667239784
SapphireState of New South Wales-29.7151.33333337602493
SarinaState of Queensland-21.4333333149.216666731102
SarsfieldState of Victoria-37.75147.716666738125
SassafrasState of Tasmania-41.2833333146.5164538
SassafrasState of New South Wales-35.1150.257462448
Sassafras EastState of Tasmania-41.2833333146.5574243
Sassafras GullyState of Victoria-37.8666667145.355421778

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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