

Home > Australia > Places > Slade Point to Smythesdale

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Slade PointState of Queensland-21.075149.225
SladevaleState of Queensland-28.1666667152.06666675331749
SlamannonState of New South Wales-32.0666667143.666666778256
Slaty CreekState of Victoria-36.55143.3179587
Slaty CreekState of Victoria-37.85145.66666673301083
Sleepy HollowState of New South Wales-28.4166667153.51666671652
Sliepner JunctionState of Queensland-23.35150.666666733108
SloaneState of New South Wales-35.9166667146.0166667125410
Smailes MillState of Western Australia-32.1116.1833333265869
SmeatonState of Victoria-37.3333333143.954581503
Smith Gully RoadState of Victoria-37.6166667145.2666667192630
SmithfieldState of New South Wales-33.85150.93333332995
SmithfieldState of South Australia-34.6833333138.683333346151
SmithfieldState of New South Wales-28.8151.0333333265869
Smiths CreekState of New South Wales-31.2152.766666759194
SmithtonState of Tasmania-40.8333333145.1166667
SmithtownState of New South Wales-31.0166667152.933333300
Smoky BayState of South Australia-32.3666667133.9333333413
Smythes CreekState of Victoria-37.6143.78333333991309
SmythesdaleState of Victoria-37.6333333143.68333333791243

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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