

Home > Australia > Places > Stapylton to Stewarts River

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
StapyltonState of Queensland-27.7333333153.2333333930
StathamsState of Western Australia-31.9333333116.0595312
Station PeakState of Western Australia-21.1666667118.1833333123404
Staughton ValeState of Victoria-37.85144.2833333178584
StavelyState of Victoria-37.6142.6166667253830
StawellState of Victoria-37.05142.7666667232761
Steels CreekState of Victoria-37.5833333145.3833333148486
SteeltonState of South Australia-34.05138.88333334281404
Steeple FlatState of New South Wales-36.5666667149.366666711183668
SteiglitzState of Victoria-37.8833333144.1833333276906
SteiglitzState of Queensland-27.75153.35413
SteinbrookState of New South Wales-29.0833333152.18892917
Stenhouse BayState of South Australia-35.2833333136.9333333826
Stephens CreekState of New South Wales-31.8333333141.5255837
SteppesState of Tasmania-42.1146.98352740
Stevys ForestState of New South Wales-34.05150.51666674061332
StewartonState of Victoria-36.4333333145.8147482
StewartsState of South Australia-36.9666667140.647154
Stewarts BrookState of New South Wales-32151.31666677242375
Stewarts RiverState of New South Wales-31.7333333152.653098

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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