

Home > Australia > Places > The Branch to The Palms

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
The BranchState of New South Wales-32.5333333152.016666735115
The CavesState of Queensland-23.1833333150.466666762203
The ChannonState of New South Wales-28.6666667153.283333336118
The EntranceState of New South Wales-33.35151.5
The FlagsState of New South Wales-31.35151.533333312234012
The ForestState of New South Wales-34.6333333149.71666677732536
The FountainState of South Australia-34.6135.633333393305
The GibbersState of New South Wales-32.7333333152.01666671033
The GlenState of Tasmania-41.1666667147.0666667156512
The GrangeState of Queensland-24.8166667152.41666672375
The GranitesNorthern Territory-20.5833333130.354011316
The GulfState of New South Wales-29.3166667151.48333336732208
The GumsState of Queensland-27.3333333150.1833333283928
The HeadState of Queensland-28.2833333152.41666676692195
The HeartState of Victoria-38.1166667147.1666667310
The LagoonState of New South Wales-33.55149.61666676832241
The LeapState of Queensland-21.0833333149.0166667155509
The MoleState of New South Wales-29.1151.754291407
The OaksState of New South Wales-34.0666667150.5666667267876
The PalmsNorthern Territory-12.5666667130.71666672169

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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