

Home > Cambodia > Places > Phumi Boeng Chrey to Phumi Boeng Khtum

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Phumi Boeng ChreyKhett Batdambang12.65103.56666671756
Phumi Boeng Chroung KraomKhett Kampong Cham11.7166667106.266666750164
Phumi Boeng Chroung LeuKhett Kampong Cham11.7106.266666749161
Phumi Boeng ChrouyKhett Kampong Cham12105.0833333930
Phumi Boeng DamreiKhett Kaoh Kong11.5536111102.9558333310
Phumi Boeng DaolKhett Prey Veng11.0333333105.3333333620
Phumi Boeng KachokKhett Kampong Cham12.2833333105.5563207
Phumi Boeng KakKhett Kampong Chhnang11.9104.71666672375
Phumi Boeng KakKhett Prey Veng11.5666667105.551136
Phumi Boeng KalongKhett Batdambang13.4102.851859
Phumi Boeng KambolNA11.55104.751549
Phumi Boeng Kaoh ThumKhett Kampong Thum12.7333333104.6333333930
Phumi Boeng Kei (1)Khett Batdambang12.9166667103.251962
Phumi Boeng K'ekKhett Prey Veng11.3333333105.2833333516
Phumi Boeng Khleang (1)Khett Batdambang13.5166667103.11666671343
Phumi Boeng Khleang (2)Khett Batdambang13.5166667103.151446
Phumi Boeng KhmauKhett Kampong Thum12.7104.56666671136
Phumi Boeng KhnarKhett Pouthisat12.6333333103.73333331756
Phumi Boeng KhnarKhett Pouthisat12.65103.71652
Phumi Boeng KhtumKhett Batdambang12.7333333102.933333365213

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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