

Home > Vietnam > Places > Phu Hoi to Phu Huu (3)

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Phu HoiNA12.7109.25-3-10
Phu HoiNA17.5166667106.6930
Phu HoiNA10.7333333106.91343
Phu HoiNA13.55109.266666700
Phu Hoi (1)NA13.2833333109.066666744144
Phu Hoi (1)Tinh Lam Dong11.7108.36666678972943
Phu Hoi (2)NA13.25109.0333333159522
Phu Hoi (2)Tinh Lam Dong11.7108.38333339643163
Phu HopThanh Pho Ho Chi Minh11.0166667106.51666671446
Phu HungTinh)) ((Ha Bac21.35106.866666763207
Phu HungNA13.95108.952995
Phu HungNA17.133333310741135
Phu HuuNA21.2166667105.38333331136
Phu HuuNA18.9666667105.5166667310
Phu HuuNA21.0166667105.53333332272
Phu HuuTinh)) ((Vinh Phu21.2666667105.78333331136
Phu HuuNA9.9333333105.8833333310
Phu HuuNA20.1833333105.8166667103338
Phu HuuNA10.7166667106.783333313
Phu Huu (3)NA14.2833333108.91666672789

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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