

Home > Vietnam > Places > Ro to Ru Troc

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
RoTinh)) ((Quang Nam-Da Nang15.6666667107.855180
RoTinh)) ((Quang Nam-Da Nang15.6166667107.8569226
Ro BanTinh Tay Ninh11.25105.9333333620
Ro NgoiTinh Quang Ninh20.8333333107.483333337121
Roang PhaThanh Pho Hai Phong20.9106.6333333620
Roc KhoiNA20.75105.35157515
RolomTinh Lam Dong11.85108.21666679193015
Rom Rom XaNA17.85105.8833333177581
RomenTinh Lam Dong12.1108.26282060
RonTinh Quang Binh17.8833333106.45310
RongTinh)) ((Quang Nam-Da Nang15.6833333107.733333398322
Rong CanNA20.9105.568223
Rong VongNA20.9105.483333362203
RoroTinh)) ((Quang Nam-Da Nang15.2833333107.83333335641850
Ru CayNA18.25105.68333331239
Ru CongNA18.4105.551652
Ru KhoiNA18.4105.53333332995
Ru NhonNA18.6105.65516
Ru TrocNA18.65105.41136

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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