Refugee population by country or territory of origin - Country Ranking

Definition: Refugees are people who are recognized as refugees under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, people recognized as refugees in accordance with the UNHCR statute, people granted refugee-like humanitarian status, and people provided temporary protection. Asylum seekers--people who have applied for asylum or refugee status and who have not yet received a decision or who are registered as asylum seekers--are excluded. Palestinian refugees are people (and their descendants) whose residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 and who lost their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Country of origin generally refers to the nationality or country of citizenship of a claimant.

Source: Data before 2018 are from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Statistics Database, Statistical Yearbook and data files, complemented by statistics on Palestinian refugees under the mandate of the UNRWA as published on its website. Data

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

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Rank Country Value Year
1 Syrian Arab Republic 6,689,582.00 2020
2 Afghanistan 2,594,774.00 2020
3 Myanmar 1,103,299.00 2020
4 Dem. Rep. Congo 840,449.00 2020
5 Somalia 814,551.00 2020
6 Sudan 787,755.00 2020
7 Central African Republic 642,437.00 2020
8 Eritrea 521,949.00 2020
9 Burundi 373,036.00 2020
10 Nigeria 352,953.00 2020
11 Iraq 333,418.00 2020
12 Vietnam 316,727.00 2020
13 Rwanda 245,806.00 2020
14 Colombia 189,889.00 2020
15 China 175,585.00 2020
16 Venezuela 171,127.00 2020
17 Mali 164,601.00 2020
18 Ethiopia 151,336.00 2020
19 Sri Lanka 142,716.00 2020
20 Iran 134,767.00 2020
21 Pakistan 133,143.00 2020
22 Azerbaijan 101,531.00 2020
23 Turkey 93,738.00 2020
24 Cameroon 78,560.00 2020
25 Russia 52,717.00 2020
26 El Salvador 45,640.00 2020
27 Mauritania 37,941.00 2020
28 Côte d'Ivoire 37,601.00 2020
29 Ukraine 35,180.00 2020
30 Honduras 34,473.00 2020
31 Yemen 33,369.00 2020
32 Serbia 29,990.00 2020
33 Guinea 26,836.00 2020
34 Egypt 26,604.00 2020
35 Haiti 25,659.00 2020
36 Guatemala 24,559.00 2020
37 Croatia 23,456.00 2020
38 Bangladesh 18,992.00 2020
39 Niger 18,874.00 2020
40 Libya 17,595.00 2020
41 Burkina Faso 15,768.00 2020
42 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15,625.00 2020
43 Albania 15,536.00 2020
44 Mexico 15,408.00 2020
45 Senegal 14,004.00 2020
46 Ghana 13,877.00 2020
47 Indonesia 13,037.00 2020
48 Congo 12,635.00 2020
49 India 12,428.00 2020
50 Cambodia 11,901.00 2020
51 The Gambia 10,601.00 2020
52 Armenia 10,518.00 2020
53 Chad 10,488.00 2020
54 Cuba 8,980.00 2020
55 Nicaragua 8,711.00 2020
56 Zimbabwe 8,614.00 2020
57 Angola 8,264.00 2020
58 Togo 7,725.00 2020
59 Nepal 7,492.00 2020
60 Kenya 7,452.00 2020
61 Uganda 7,390.00 2020
62 Georgia 7,358.00 2020
63 Bhutan 6,808.00 2020
64 Lao PDR 6,681.00 2020
65 Sierra Leone 5,759.00 2020
66 Lebanon 5,495.00 2020
67 Liberia 5,237.00 2020
68 Algeria 4,693.00 2020
69 Hungary 4,617.00 2020
70 Morocco 4,489.00 2020
71 Belarus 3,199.00 2020
72 Uzbekistan 3,133.00 2020
73 Kyrgyz Republic 2,896.00 2020
74 Peru 2,854.00 2020
75 Kazakhstan 2,776.00 2020
76 Jamaica 2,518.00 2020
77 Jordan 2,489.00 2020
78 Djibouti 2,444.00 2020
79 Mongolia 2,290.00 2020
80 Tajikistan 2,224.00 2020
81 Moldova 2,221.00 2020
82 Saudi Arabia 2,030.00 2020
83 Ecuador 1,704.00 2020
84 Tunisia 1,653.00 2020
85 Guinea-Bissau 1,643.00 2020
86 North Macedonia 1,596.00 2020
87 Brazil 1,588.00 2020
88 Kuwait 1,442.00 2020
89 Slovak Republic 1,368.00 2020
90 Romania 1,358.00 2020
91 Czech Republic 1,127.00 2020
92 Malaysia 1,078.00 2020
93 Poland 925.00 2020
94 Comoros 793.00 2020
95 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 742.00 2020
96 St. Lucia 731.00 2020
97 Tanzania 714.00 2020
98 Chile 694.00 2020
98 Dem. People's Rep. Korea 694.00 2020
100 Benin 666.00 2020
101 Dominican Republic 590.00 2020
102 Bolivia 580.00 2020
103 Bahrain 554.00 2020
104 Montenegro 545.00 2020
105 The Bahamas 544.00 2020
106 Bulgaria 525.00 2020
107 Malawi 524.00 2020
108 Fiji 516.00 2020
109 Papua New Guinea 515.00 2020
109 Turkmenistan 515.00 2020
111 South Africa 494.00 2020
112 Philippines 490.00 2020
113 Namibia 467.00 2020
114 Gabon 459.00 2020
115 Israel 398.00 2020
116 United States 369.00 2020
117 Trinidad and Tobago 297.00 2020
118 Madagascar 283.00 2020
119 Guyana 277.00 2020
119 Estonia 277.00 2020
121 Zambia 269.00 2020
122 Barbados 245.00 2020
123 Costa Rica 233.00 2020
124 Botswana 206.00 2020
125 Eswatini 198.00 2020
126 United Arab Emirates 191.00 2020
126 Mauritius 191.00 2020
128 Thailand 182.00 2020
129 Equatorial Guinea 170.00 2020
130 Korea 156.00 2020
131 Latvia 153.00 2020
132 Argentina 139.00 2020
133 Paraguay 119.00 2020
134 Antigua and Barbuda 118.00 2020
135 Greece 95.00 2020
136 Mozambique 91.00 2020
137 Panama 85.00 2020
137 Canada 85.00 2020
139 Belize 78.00 2020
140 Germany 76.00 2020
141 Italy 72.00 2020
142 Grenada 70.00 2020
143 Lithuania 68.00 2020
144 United Kingdom 67.00 2020
145 Netherlands 61.00 2020
146 Dominica 60.00 2020
147 St. Kitts and Nevis 54.00 2020
148 Spain 52.00 2020
148 Oman 52.00 2020
150 France 49.00 2020
151 Singapore 42.00 2020
152 Japan 40.00 2020
153 Qatar 38.00 2020
154 Solomon Islands 37.00 2020
155 Tonga 36.00 2020
156 Australia 35.00 2020
156 New Zealand 35.00 2020
158 Austria 33.00 2020
158 Belgium 33.00 2020
160 Portugal 32.00 2020
161 São Tomé and Principe 28.00 2020
162 Cabo Verde 25.00 2020
163 Slovenia 22.00 2020
164 Seychelles 20.00 2020
164 Uruguay 20.00 2020
164 Hong Kong SAR, China 20.00 2020
164 Brunei 20.00 2020
168 Suriname 17.00 2020
169 Cyprus 15.00 2020
169 Cayman Islands 15.00 2020
169 Andorra 15.00 2020
172 Puerto Rico 12.00 1996
173 Lesotho 11.00 2020
173 Timor-Leste 11.00 2020
175 Iceland 10.00 2020
175 Denmark 10.00 2020
177 Sweden 8.00 2020
178 Norway 5.00 2020
178 Samoa 5.00 2008
178 Nauru 5.00 2020
178 Tuvalu 5.00 2006
178 Switzerland 5.00 2020
178 Finland 5.00 2018
178 San Marino 5.00 2007
178 Malta 5.00 2020
178 Kiribati 5.00 2014
178 Macao SAR, China 5.00 2016
178 Luxembourg 5.00 2020
178 Monaco 5.00 2020
178 Ireland 5.00 2020

More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World |

Development Relevance: Movement of people, most often through migration, is a significant part of global integration. Migrants contribute to the economies of both their host country and their country of origin. Yet reliable statistics on migration are difficult to collect and are often incomplete, making international comparisons a challenge. In most developed countries, refugees are admitted for resettlement and are routinely included in population counts by censuses or population registers. Globally, the number of refugees at end 2010 was 10.55 million, including 597,300 people considered by UNHCR to be in a refugee-like situation; developing countries hosted 8.5 million refugees, or 80 percent of the global refugee population. Global migration patterns have become increasingly complex in modern times, involving not just refugees, but also millions of economic migrants. But refugees and migrants, even if they often travel in the same way, are fundamentally different, and for that reason are treated very differently under modern international law. Migrants, especially economic migrants, choose to move in order to improve the future prospects of themselves and their families. Refugees have to move if they are to save their lives or preserve their freedom. They have no protection from their own state - indeed it is often their own government that is threatening to persecute them. If other countries do not let them in, and do not help them once they are in, then they may be condemning them to death - or to an intolerable life in the shadows, without sustenance and without rights.

Limitations and Exceptions: There are difficulties in collecting accurate statistics on refugees. Many refugees may not be aware of the need to register or may choose not to do so, and administrative records tend to overestimate the number of refugees because it is easier to register than to de-register. In addition, most industrialized countries lack a refugee register and are thus not in a position to provide accurate information on the number of refugees residing in their country. Many countries have registries that are only maintained at the local level, so the data is not centralized. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) collects and maintains data on refugees, except for Palestinian refugees residing in areas under the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Registration is voluntary, and estimates by the UNRWA are not an accurate count of the Palestinian refugee population. The data shows estimates of refugees collected by the UNHCR, complemented by estimates of Palestinian refugees under the UNRWA mandate. Thus, the aggregates differ from those published by the UNHCR. Statistics concerning the former USSR have been reported under the Russian Federation, those concerning the former Czechoslovakia have been reported under the Czech Republic and those concerning the former Yugoslavia and 'Serbia and Montenegro' have been reported under Serbia. Since 2006, separate statistics are available for Serbia and for Montenegro. Prior to 2006, no separate statistics are available and both countries have been reported under Serbia.

Original Source Notes: The refugee population category from 2007 onwards also includes people in a refugee-like situation, most of who were previously included in the Others of concern group. This sub-category is descriptive in nature and includes groups of persons who are outs

Statistical Concept and Methodology: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) collects and maintains data on refugees in their Statistical Online Population Database. The refugee data does not include Palestinian refugees residing in areas under the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). However, the Palestinian refugees living outside the UNRWA areas of operation do fall under the responsibility of UNHCR and are thus included in the Statistical Online Population Database. Refugees are an important part of migrant stock. The refugee data refer to people who have crossed an international border to find sanctuary and have been granted refugee or refugee-like status or temporary protection. There are three main providers of refugee data: governmental agencies, UNHCR field offices and NGOs. Registrations, together with other sources - including estimates and surveys - are the main sources of refugee data. In the absence of Government estimates, UNHCR has estimated the refugee population in most industrialized countries, based on recognition of asylum-seekers. Prior to 2007, resettled refugees were included in these estimates. Up to and including 2006, to ensure that the refugee population in countries that lack a refugee registry is reflected in the global statistics, the number of refugees was estimated by UNHCR based on the arrival of refugees through resettlement programmes and the individual recognition of refugees over a 10-year (Europe and, since 2006, the United States) or 5-year (the United States before 2006, Canada and Oceania) period. Starting with the 2007 data, the cut-off period has been harmonized and now covers a 10-year period for Europe and non-European countries. Resettled refugees, however, are excluded from the refugee estimates in all countries. The 2007-2011 refugee population category includes people in a refugee-like situation, most of who were previously included in the Others of concern group. This sub-category is descriptive in nature and includes groups of persons who are outside their country or territory of origin and who face protection risks similar to those of refugees, but for whom refugee status has, for practical or other reasons, not been ascertained. Asylum seekers - people who have applied for asylum or refugee status and who have not yet received a decision or who are registered as asylum seekers - and internally displaced people - who are often confused with refugees - are not included in the data. Unlike refugees, internally displaced people remain under the protection of their own government, even if their reason for fleeing was similar to that of refugees. Palestinian refugees are people (and their descendants) whose residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 and who lost their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict.

Aggregation method: Sum

Periodicity: Annual