Rank | Country | Exports of Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair ... in USD (2010) |
1 | India | $36,873,626 | | 2 | Tunisia | $21,312,868 | | 3 | Italy | $6,432,885 | | 4 | United States | $3,686,110 | | 5 | Hong Kong | $2,151,046 | | 6 | Austria | $1,574,434 | | 7 | Dominican Republic | $1,021,414 | | 8 | Japan | $205,567 | | 9 | Spain | $204,220 | | 10 | Korea, South | $182,002 | | 11 | Kyrgyzstan | $148,519 | | 12 | Germany | $99,376 | | 13 | Hungary | $83,000 | | 14 | United Kingdom | $70,524 | | 15 | Pakistan | $53,645 | | 16 | Moldova | $52,648 | | 17 | Netherlands | $39,789 | | 18 | France | $39,767 | | 19 | Israel | $28,000 | | 20 | Mexico | $28,000 | | 21 | Switzerland | $22,627 | | 22 | Belarus | $20,800 | | 23 | Brazil | $15,847 | | 24 | Tanzania | $14,543 | | 25 | South Africa | $12,206 | | 26 | Indonesia | $6,059 | | 27 | Australia | $5,824 | | 28 | Canada | $2,683 | | 29 | Gambia, The | $2,417 | | 30 | Greece | $1,611 | | 31 | Uganda | $1,578 | | 32 | Botswana | $1,231 | | 33 | Kenya | $1,110 | | 34 | Nigeria | $936 | | 35 | Jamaica | $335 | | 36 | Turkey | $198 | | 37 | Portugal | $186 | | 38 | Sweden | $139 | | 39 | Thailand | $72 | | 40 | Serbia | $13 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Australia | | $23,014 | | | $6,464 | $5,824 | |
Austria | $67,214 | $93,913 | $38,117 | $56,866 | $4,161 | $1,574,434 | |
Bangladesh | | $8,933 | $1,008 | | | | |
Barbados | | $100 | | | | | |
Belarus | $24,200 | $27,800 | $30,700 | $41,900 | $20,900 | $20,800 | $21,900 |
Belgium | $32,534 | $26,450 | $30,097 | | $19,974 | | |
Botswana | $61 | $5,537 | | | $1,239 | $1,231 | $3,570 |
Brazil | $79,855 | $62,405 | $10,787 | $54,668 | $28,780 | $15,847 | $98,434 |
Cambodia | | | | | $79 | | |
Canada | $12,988 | | $308,157 | $55,691 | | $2,683 | $18,209 |
Chile | | $18,414 | $11,265 | | | | |
China | $50,356 | $8,873 | $37,065 | $1,105 | | | |
Colombia | $11,019 | | | | | | |
Czech Republic | $52,557 | | | | | | |
Denmark | | | $60,454 | $4,969 | $1,569,286 | | $85,511 |
Dominican Republic | | $24,609 | $637,614 | $1,066,361 | $1,051,133 | $1,021,414 | $598,073 |
Estonia | | | $1,715 | $655 | | | |
Finland | $4,436 | | | $5,458 | | | |
France | $261,291 | $64,022 | $67,238 | $110,634 | $88,917 | $39,767 | $13,913 |
Gambia, The | | | | | | $2,417 | $104 |
Germany | $27,000 | | | $4,000 | $71,000 | $99,376 | $35,355 |
Ghana | $6,038 | $618 | $573 | $494 | $92 | | $1,362,723 |
Greece | | | | | $2,403 | $1,611 | |
Guyana | | | $35 | | $5 | | |
Hong Kong | $115,718 | $53,169 | | $1,148,914 | $977,959 | $2,151,046 | $6,332,032 |
Hungary | | | | | | $83,000 | $46,000 |
India | $2,837,106 | $850,970 | $14,704,516 | $645,423 | $9,393,106 | $36,873,626 | $144,977,404 |
Indonesia | $1,362,956 | $9,925 | $37,908 | $11,705 | $1,260 | $6,059 | $215,563 |
Iran | $25,860 | $45,244 | | | | | |
Ireland | | $363,119 | $53,339 | | $15,975 | | $1,949 |
Israel | | | | $108,000 | $15,000 | $28,000 | $401,000 |
Italy | $4,576,253 | $4,219,088 | $2,599,546 | $4,146,645 | $5,522,189 | $6,432,885 | $3,965,931 |
Jamaica | | | | | $1,029 | $335 | |
Japan | $235,053 | $323,052 | $135,493 | $44,068 | $253,865 | $205,567 | $79,798 |
Kenya | $78 | $2,716 | $3,032 | $22,023 | $2,954 | $1,110 | |
Korea, South | $224,314 | $83,364 | $177,359 | $31,135 | $12,878 | $182,002 | $142,481 |
Kyrgyzstan | $49,550 | $84,282 | $144,209 | $219,889 | $446,398 | $148,519 | $93,470 |
Luxembourg | | | | | $93 | | |
Malaysia | | | | | $7,712 | | |
Mexico | | | | | | $28,000 | $21,550 |
Moldova | | | | $110,934 | $34,678 | $52,648 | $83,411 |
Mozambique | | | | | $211 | | |
Namibia | $1,877 | $1,303 | $1 | $2,286 | | | |
Netherlands | $24,873 | $306,547 | $52,167 | $119,360 | $27,906 | $39,789 | |
New Zealand | | | | $1,069 | | | |
Niger | | | $209 | | $317 | | |
Nigeria | | | | | | $936 | |
Norway | | | $50,712 | | $2,150 | | $250 |
Pakistan | | | | $3,089 | $20,331 | $53,645 | $431,141 |
Panama | | | | | $691 | | |
Paraguay | | $8,600 | $2,000 | | | | |
Peru | | $19,411 | $55,185 | $28,676 | | | |
Poland | | | $7,534 | | $105 | | |
Portugal | | | | $74 | $768 | $186 | |
Romania | | | $236 | | | | |
Rwanda | | | | | | | $1,454 |
Saudi Arabia | $801 | $1,001 | | | | | |
Serbia | | | | | | $13 | |
Singapore | | | | | | | $163,864 |
South Africa | $1,855 | $20,213 | $2,396 | $628 | $8,423 | $12,206 | $11,550 |
Spain | $20,736 | $78,785 | $75,293 | $149,552 | $45,536 | $204,220 | |
Sri Lanka | | | $7,386 | | | | $1,043 |
Suriname | | | | $229 | $5,804 | | |
Swaziland | $23 | | | | | | |
Sweden | | | | $60,051 | | $139 | $2,313 |
Switzerland | $9,760 | $3,539 | $25,260 | $12,864 | $39,716 | $22,627 | $157,761 |
Syria | | | | $58,862 | | | |
Tanzania | $4,179 | $81,056 | | $6,267 | $262,424 | $14,543 | $23,099 |
Thailand | $148,559 | $7,555 | $53,102 | $13,874 | $26,865 | $72 | $12,466 |
Tunisia | $17,073,401 | $17,254,435 | $13,609,318 | $22,573,386 | $18,164,577 | $21,312,868 | |
Turkey | | | $200 | | $48,849 | $198 | $1,044 |
Uganda | | | $200 | | | $1,578 | |
United Arab Emirates | | | $59,105 | $7,989 | | | |
United Kingdom | $36,277 | $13,276 | $123,352 | $89,832 | $62,231 | $70,524 | $507,929 |
United States | $1,489,096 | $1,635,462 | $1,548,750 | $2,473,771 | $3,038,051 | $3,686,110 | $2,889,445 |
Uruguay | $32,332 | $37,277 | $63,058 | $192,240 | $217,848 | | |
Vietnam | $4,376 | | | | $1,989 | | |
Yemen | $166 | | | | | | |
Zambia | $2 | | $6,543 | $4,741 | | | |