Rank | Country | Exports of Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair; in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $104,097,245 | | 2 | Germany | $15,099,890 | | 3 | Netherlands | $4,845,026 | | 4 | United Kingdom | $2,024,006 | | 5 | Canada | $1,495,434 | | 6 | Thailand | $1,366,791 | | 7 | United States | $1,021,484 | | 8 | France | $930,544 | | 9 | Italy | $859,985 | | 10 | Belgium | $278,608 | | 11 | Poland | $198,647 | | 12 | Switzerland | $165,738 | | 13 | Sri Lanka | $128,873 | | 14 | Sweden | $126,519 | | 15 | Hungary | $104,000 | | 16 | Brazil | $65,744 | | 17 | Denmark | $61,810 | | 18 | India | $55,322 | | 19 | South Africa | $51,603 | | 20 | Mauritius | $36,017 | | 21 | Japan | $35,051 | | 22 | Australia | $33,664 | | 23 | Turkey | $30,730 | | 24 | Zimbabwe | $25,600 | | 25 | Spain | $19,866 | | 26 | Romania | $19,663 | | 27 | Colombia | $19,600 | | 28 | Hong Kong | $18,033 | | 29 | Kenya | $13,290 | | 30 | Iceland | $13,018 | | 31 | Nepal | $9,785 | | 32 | Tanzania | $3,531 | | 33 | Malaysia | $3,152 | | 34 | Serbia | $2,823 | | 35 | Czech Republic | $1,730 | | 36 | Uganda | $1,603 | | 37 | Korea, South | $1,511 | | 38 | Panama | $865 | | 39 | Fiji | $525 | | 40 | Ireland | $200 | | 41 | Indonesia | $106 | | 42 | Botswana | $61 | | 43 | Slovakia | $58 | | 44 | Ghana | $54 | | 45 | Trinidad and Tobago | $47 | | 46 | Austria | $8 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $207,000 | $176,692 | $363,021 | $216,000 | | | |
Australia | $7,827 | $33,566 | $93,573 | $57,765 | $498,898 | $33,664 | $81,663 |
Austria | $121 | $3,399 | $5,433 | $3,959 | $686 | $8 | |
Bangladesh | $5,970 | $34,390 | $310,903 | | | | |
Belarus | $7,900 | $12,500 | $13,100 | $15,400 | | | |
Belgium | $815,651 | $24,778 | $277,909 | $385,272 | $116,411 | $278,608 | $223,601 |
Botswana | | $11,830 | | $23 | $8 | $61 | $158 |
Brazil | $11,987 | | $50,296 | $55,489 | $47,988 | $65,744 | $160,732 |
Canada | $316,032 | $958,120 | $301,659 | $427,401 | $329,266 | $1,495,434 | $247,954 |
China | $82,968,783 | $83,149,260 | $96,842,771 | $111,912,515 | $76,330,289 | $104,097,245 | $119,743,658 |
Colombia | $8,725 | | | | $34,128 | $19,600 | $18,900 |
Costa Rica | | | $8,455 | $16,562 | | | |
Croatia | $5,647 | | | $1,086 | $4,910 | | |
Cyprus | $474,487 | $416,003 | $283,667 | $5,950 | $1,554 | | $2,795 |
Czech Republic | $9,478 | $5,653 | $1,716 | $2,912 | $1,029 | $1,730 | $3,439 |
Denmark | | $21,062 | $27,451 | $24,486 | $942 | $61,810 | $206 |
East Timor | $5 | | | | | | |
Ecuador | | | | | $750 | | $790 |
Egypt | | $26,742 | | $30,860 | $33,626 | | $2,776 |
Fiji | | $1,531 | $170 | $20 | $10,066 | $525 | |
France | $1,240,510 | $1,247,808 | $1,287,123 | $1,050,283 | $922,512 | $930,544 | $847,305 |
Gambia, The | | | | | | | $1,045 |
Germany | $6,530,000 | $5,869,000 | $6,430,000 | $7,675,000 | $4,368,000 | $15,099,890 | $16,452,527 |
Ghana | | $480 | | | | $54 | |
Greece | | | | $8,821 | | | |
Guatemala | $3,600 | | | | | | $531 |
Honduras | | | $38,540 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $48,928 | $172,654 | $160,242 | $95,918 | $48,285 | $18,033 | $59,527 |
Hungary | $39,000 | | | | | $104,000 | $61,000 |
Iceland | | | | | | $13,018 | |
India | $335,777 | $895,774 | $161,969 | $358,940 | $82,185 | $55,322 | $522,060 |
Indonesia | $5,930 | $19,806 | | $375 | | $106 | |
Ireland | $857,173 | $432,717 | $585,186 | $315,484 | $197,407 | $200 | $5,209 |
Italy | $640,409 | $402,938 | $604,410 | $485,698 | $273,149 | $859,985 | $492,924 |
Japan | $126,851 | $112,884 | $78,206 | $22,598 | $2,273 | $35,051 | $24,050 |
Kenya | | | $2,188 | $20,379 | $14,516 | $13,290 | |
Korea, South | $69,011 | $57,513 | $64,794 | $55,381 | $23,713 | $1,511 | $30,681 |
Kyrgyzstan | | $1,922 | | | | | |
Latvia | | $34 | | | | | |
Lebanon | | | | $444 | | | |
Luxembourg | | | $4,748 | | $137 | | |
Macau | | | $973 | | | | |
Madagascar | | | | | $1,320 | | |
Malaysia | | | $1,933 | $109,433 | | $3,152 | |
Mauritius | | $5,242 | $74,009 | $65,505 | $37,364 | $36,017 | $61,248 |
Montenegro | | $1,345 | | | | | |
Mozambique | | | $35,281 | $99,904 | $74,810 | | $8,000 |
Namibia | $34 | $823 | $333 | $1,269 | | | |
Nepal | | | | | $12,727 | $9,785 | |
Netherlands | $20,132,490 | $19,806,225 | $24,307,240 | $20,631,593 | $13,124,027 | $4,845,026 | |
Norway | | $14,142 | $5,639 | | $2,827 | | |
Panama | | | | | | $865 | |
Peru | | | $7,171 | $20,218 | | | |
Poland | $221,998 | $256,122 | $204,717 | $391,525 | $417,875 | $198,647 | $219,309 |
Portugal | | | $517 | | | | |
Romania | | $707 | $7,109 | | $21,395 | $19,663 | $34,134 |
Saint Lucia | | | $4 | | | | |
Saudi Arabia | | $5,340 | | | | | |
Serbia | $1,470 | | $745 | | | $2,823 | |
Singapore | | | $309 | | $455 | | $118,972 |
Slovakia | | | | | $131 | $58 | $167 |
Slovenia | | $1,250 | $2,815 | | | | |
South Africa | $12,643 | $4,112 | $17,872 | $44,454 | $107,508 | $51,603 | $3,983 |
Spain | $57,325 | $80,443 | $166,224 | $126,803 | $389,863 | $19,866 | |
Sri Lanka | $48,310 | $17,438 | $126,809 | $282,183 | $212,599 | $128,873 | $105,144 |
Swaziland | $9,880 | | | | | | |
Sweden | | $43,728 | $43,013 | $445,302 | $113,041 | $126,519 | $69,695 |
Switzerland | $17,281 | $37,663 | $60,682 | $347,540 | $76,051 | $165,738 | $57,194 |
Tanzania | $32,427 | | | $50,912 | $193 | $3,531 | |
Thailand | $773,852 | $820,688 | $608,231 | $1,270,698 | $643,110 | $1,366,791 | $1,267,388 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $196 | $191 | | | | $47 | |
Tunisia | | $57,869 | | | | | |
Turkey | $63,218 | $10,888 | $49,305 | $60,277 | $39,758 | $30,730 | $32,397 |
Uganda | | | $291 | $8,726 | $11,550 | $1,603 | |
United Arab Emirates | $259,121 | | $599 | | | | |
United Kingdom | $13,149,159 | $9,171,724 | $9,334,544 | $8,915,638 | $4,173,961 | $2,024,006 | $3,178,369 |
United States | $911,764 | $1,755,467 | $1,501,003 | $1,598,268 | $1,488,826 | $1,021,484 | $1,047,980 |
Venezuela | $34,113 | | | | | | |
Vietnam | | $184,620 | | | | | |
Yemen | $125 | | | $1 | | | |
Zambia | | | | | $39 | | |
Zimbabwe | | | | | | $25,600 | |