Rank | Country | Exports of Clock movements, complete and assembled. in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $28,096,253 | | 2 | Malaysia | $25,430,011 | | 3 | Germany | $16,994,663 | | 4 | Hong Kong | $9,752,265 | | 5 | United States | $7,016,752 | | 6 | Switzerland | $5,288,788 | | 7 | Sweden | $2,935,833 | | 8 | Italy | $2,146,261 | | 9 | Portugal | $1,827,497 | | 10 | Japan | $1,624,562 | | 11 | Denmark | $997,577 | | 12 | United Kingdom | $801,839 | | 13 | France | $715,803 | | 14 | Netherlands | $558,379 | | 15 | Korea, South | $534,773 | | 16 | Spain | $457,497 | | 17 | India | $413,354 | | 18 | Singapore | $323,655 | | 19 | Sri Lanka | $138,911 | | 20 | Canada | $125,023 | | 21 | Belgium | $124,650 | | 22 | Thailand | $118,328 | | 23 | Norway | $111,636 | | 24 | Austria | $99,416 | | 25 | Slovenia | $69,013 | | 26 | Poland | $65,755 | | 27 | Hungary | $50,000 | | 28 | Turkey | $39,086 | | 29 | Czech Republic | $31,586 | | 30 | Moldova | $24,935 | | 31 | Russia | $16,859 | | 32 | Romania | $15,801 | | 33 | Kenya | $14,090 | | 34 | Argentina | $13,968 | | 35 | Mexico | $11,799 | | 36 | South Africa | $11,447 | | 37 | Lithuania | $10,418 | | 38 | Croatia | $9,646 | | 39 | Greece | $8,741 | | 40 | Peru | $6,727 | | 41 | Finland | $6,105 | | 42 | Tanzania | $5,224 | | 43 | Bahamas, The | $5,000 | | 44 | Brazil | $4,923 | | 45 | Estonia | $4,145 | | 46 | Vietnam | $4,080 | | 47 | Indonesia | $3,890 | | 48 | Panama | $3,679 | | 49 | Mauritius | $2,877 | | 50 | Botswana | $2,332 | | 51 | New Zealand | $1,906 | | 52 | Serbia | $1,589 | | 53 | Rwanda | $1,567 | | 54 | Israel | $1,000 | | 55 | Slovakia | $910 | | 56 | Bulgaria | $764 | | 57 | Uganda | $672 | | 58 | Lebanon | $597 | | 59 | Jamaica | $493 | | 60 | Venezuela | $465 | | 61 | Kyrgyzstan | $399 | | 62 | Colombia | $397 | | 63 | Costa Rica | $200 | | 64 | Luxembourg | $173 | | 65 | Malawi | $163 | | 66 | Australia | $138 | | 67 | Pakistan | $106 | | 68 | Mali | $81 | | 69 | Ethiopia | $18 | | 70 | Aruba | $2 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $491 | $930 | $721 | $2,875 | $6,307 | $13,968 | $2,350 |
Aruba | | | | | $377 | $2 | |
Australia | $24,386 | $21,460 | $4,129 | $20,441 | $5,117 | $138 | $5,458 |
Austria | $98,980 | $74,885 | $93,785 | $131,519 | $85,072 | $99,416 | |
Bahamas, The | | | | | $50 | $5,000 | $300 |
Bahrain | | | | | | | $1,223 |
Bangladesh | $102,162 | $92,545 | $147,678 | | | | |
Barbados | $853 | $135 | $99 | | $647 | | |
Belarus | | | | | | | $7,600 |
Belgium | $273,057 | $471,294 | $50,135 | $88,978 | $160,221 | $124,650 | $165,523 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $756 | $23 | | | $211 | | $11 |
Botswana | | $45 | $142 | | | $2,332 | $88 |
Brazil | $529 | $6,093 | $1,219 | $293 | $4,533 | $4,923 | $141 |
Brunei | | $5,387 | | | | | |
Bulgaria | $4,596 | | | $18,613 | $27,083 | $764 | |
Cambodia | | | $10 | | | | |
Canada | $85,017 | $113,626 | $66,511 | $66,536 | $182,824 | $125,023 | $182,765 |
Chile | | | $2,477 | $51 | $103 | | |
China | $19,818,682 | $19,342,841 | $23,097,542 | $24,831,284 | $25,124,071 | $28,096,253 | $35,125,597 |
Colombia | $3,867 | $972 | $614 | | | $397 | |
Costa Rica | | $300 | | | | $200 | |
Croatia | $638 | $705 | $747 | $20,079 | $38,066 | $9,646 | $4,446 |
Czech Republic | $66,499 | $52,779 | $122,800 | $64,546 | $79,678 | $31,586 | $52,354 |
Denmark | $1,205,214 | $755,895 | $1,008,878 | $1,032,696 | $867,073 | $997,577 | $959,026 |
Ecuador | | | | | $75 | | |
Egypt | | $3,914 | | $9,748 | $9,588 | | $59,985 |
Estonia | $804 | | $99 | | $39,464 | $4,145 | $1,265 |
Ethiopia | | | | | | $18 | $203 |
Fiji | $358 | | $1,602 | $929 | | | |
Finland | $15,044 | $34,167 | $11,507 | $15,421 | $5,899 | $6,105 | $16,301 |
France | $786,361 | $906,356 | $1,359,849 | $604,798 | $616,860 | $715,803 | $641,392 |
Georgia | | $5 | | | | | |
Germany | $26,421,000 | $26,398,000 | $22,088,000 | $13,927,000 | $12,942,000 | $16,994,663 | $16,392,014 |
Ghana | | | | | $2,308 | | |
Greece | $96 | $12,863 | | | $4,915 | $8,741 | $104 |
Guatemala | $237 | | $72 | $220 | $4 | | |
Honduras | | $8 | | | $3,066 | | |
Hong Kong | $15,435,099 | $15,941,897 | $11,404,955 | $11,908,554 | $9,321,456 | $9,752,265 | $7,864,854 |
Hungary | $144,000 | | | | | $50,000 | $13,000 |
India | $320,661 | $79,061 | $187,570 | $91,996 | $91,690 | $413,354 | $486,189 |
Indonesia | $5,217 | $20 | $16,120 | $1,004 | $550 | $3,890 | $4,144 |
Ireland | $54,763 | | | $1,799 | $356 | | |
Israel | | $8,000 | $2,000 | $52,000 | | $1,000 | $26,000 |
Italy | $2,224,496 | $1,923,835 | $2,371,645 | $1,823,524 | $2,173,925 | $2,146,261 | $1,954,318 |
Jamaica | $171 | $407 | $2,781 | | $559 | $493 | |
Japan | $2,904,581 | $2,338,599 | $2,234,188 | $2,583,129 | $2,508,897 | $1,624,562 | $515,953 |
Jordan | $9,614 | | | | | | |
Kenya | $12,345 | $1,508 | $633 | $43 | $12,105 | $14,090 | |
Korea, South | $901,241 | $1,150,143 | $1,171,489 | $1,134,530 | $738,257 | $534,773 | $623,145 |
Kuwait | | | $35,028 | $108,972 | | | |
Kyrgyzstan | | | $1,949 | | $243 | $399 | $2,329 |
Latvia | $460 | | | $295 | $334 | | $72 |
Lebanon | | $2,875 | $7,410 | | $701 | $597 | $1,091 |
Lesotho | | | | $4,088 | | | |
Lithuania | | | | | $5,149 | $10,418 | $3,677 |
Luxembourg | $15 | $97 | | $152 | $73 | $173 | |
Macau | $2,234 | | | $31,146 | $258,509 | | |
Malawi | $106 | | | | $9,094 | $163 | |
Malaysia | $307,377 | $8,675,727 | $11,484,479 | $7,218,039 | $19,715,248 | $25,430,011 | $13,636,410 |
Mali | | | | | | $81 | |
Malta | | | | | $8 | | |
Mauritius | $19,242 | $7,556 | $146 | $34,419 | $2,230 | $2,877 | |
Mexico | $32,534 | $4,653 | $12,070 | $13,249 | $10,999 | $11,799 | $19,877 |
Moldova | $9,403 | $6,611 | $43,722 | $66,418 | $18,971 | $24,935 | $33,272 |
Montserrat | | | | $110,178 | | | |
Namibia | $432 | $218 | $289 | $1,406 | | | |
Netherlands | $159,190 | $231,167 | $64,523 | $545,224 | $1,138,550 | $558,379 | |
Netherlands Antilles | $51 | | | | | | |
New Caledonia | $17 | | $34 | | $1,206 | | |
New Zealand | | $14,103 | | | | $1,906 | |
Nicaragua | | | | | $30 | | $10 |
Niger | | $134 | | | | | |
Norway | $11,141 | $11,003 | $213 | $15,011 | | $111,636 | $92,440 |
Pakistan | $112,347 | $201,761 | $81,207 | $1,615 | $942 | $106 | |
Panama | | $8,972 | | $5,094 | $7,379 | $3,679 | $20,487 |
Peru | $126 | $62 | | $29,820 | | $6,727 | |
Philippines | | $200 | $70 | | | | |
Poland | $233,111 | $254,957 | $301,823 | $219,874 | $69,281 | $65,755 | $111,562 |
Portugal | | $137,912 | $2,411,574 | $2,161,285 | $1,611,332 | $1,827,497 | $1,567,612 |
Qatar | $4,047 | | | | $3,545 | | |
Romania | $36,580 | $18,994 | $16,670 | $15,158 | $25,368 | $15,801 | $84,023 |
Russia | $3,087 | $8,173 | $8,982 | $9,125 | $15,115 | $16,859 | $10,064 |
Rwanda | | | | | | $1,567 | |
Saudi Arabia | $267 | $19,386 | $213,428 | | | | |
Serbia | $10 | $2,517 | | $3,600 | $1,025 | $1,589 | $1,014 |
Singapore | $5,815,553 | $7,809,493 | $3,511,083 | $1,722,410 | $262,420 | $323,655 | $746,214 |
Slovakia | | | | | $1,203 | $910 | $1,798 |
Slovenia | $34,305 | $35,343 | $146,119 | $141,298 | $46,373 | $69,013 | $126,953 |
South Africa | $7,940 | $5,189 | $23,727 | $15,593 | $15,619 | $11,447 | $16,954 |
Spain | $992,939 | $830,742 | $835,961 | $962,450 | $1,004,567 | $457,497 | |
Sri Lanka | $76 | $12,666 | $482 | $70,289 | $95,292 | $138,911 | $32,384 |
Swaziland | $927 | $23,961 | $398 | | | | |
Sweden | $132,768 | $213,888 | $2,136,421 | $2,546,169 | $2,741,114 | $2,935,833 | $223,886 |
Switzerland | $5,332,411 | $5,437,631 | $6,409,526 | $7,983,454 | $4,832,743 | $5,288,788 | $6,274,882 |
Tanzania | $44 | $20,926 | $8,768 | | $773 | $5,224 | $312 |
Thailand | $68,395 | $65,466 | $283,531 | $47,015 | $57,207 | $118,328 | $21,509 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | $449 | | | | | |
Turkey | $7,123 | $3,713 | $49,579 | $88,636 | $90,800 | $39,086 | $45,675 |
Uganda | $8,759 | | | | | $672 | |
Ukraine | | | | | $4,644 | | |
United Arab Emirates | $7,883 | | $128,005 | $68,766 | | | |
United Kingdom | $576,656 | $734,560 | $560,549 | $477,858 | $408,579 | $801,839 | $1,005,815 |
United States | $12,787,222 | $8,116,575 | $4,856,216 | $10,525,943 | $8,568,777 | $7,016,752 | $4,453,174 |
Venezuela | | | | | | $465 | |
Vietnam | $151 | | $5,310 | $53,325 | | $4,080 | |
Yemen | | | $40 | | | | |
Zambia | | | $334 | | $540 | | |