Rank | Country | Exports of Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircra ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Germany | $11,310,342 | | 2 | Japan | $5,109,305 | | 3 | Spain | $4,191,798 | | 4 | Czech Republic | $2,801,126 | | 5 | United States | $2,650,441 | | 6 | Israel | $2,263,000 | | 7 | South Africa | $1,890,123 | | 8 | France | $1,554,883 | | 9 | China | $1,422,092 | | 10 | Italy | $1,313,317 | | 11 | Canada | $973,198 | | 12 | Indonesia | $897,606 | | 13 | Australia | $797,352 | | 14 | New Zealand | $751,757 | | 15 | Thailand | $674,860 | | 16 | Finland | $579,213 | | 17 | Switzerland | $489,795 | | 18 | Belgium | $489,438 | | 19 | Ukraine | $481,324 | | 20 | Netherlands | $473,494 | | 21 | Slovakia | $335,695 | | 22 | Poland | $268,073 | | 23 | Hong Kong | $248,042 | | 24 | India | $183,881 | | 25 | Lithuania | $150,550 | | 26 | Malaysia | $114,551 | | 27 | Austria | $94,792 | | 28 | Slovenia | $78,881 | | 29 | Brazil | $77,980 | | 30 | Colombia | $72,535 | | 31 | Sweden | $59,432 | | 32 | Norway | $37,984 | | 33 | Turkey | $36,245 | | 34 | Tunisia | $31,474 | | 35 | Mexico | $27,180 | | 36 | Korea, South | $25,509 | | 37 | Panama | $24,165 | | 38 | Fiji | $20,957 | | 39 | Moldova | $15,391 | | 40 | Portugal | $15,233 | | 41 | Bulgaria | $10,854 | | 42 | Denmark | $10,203 | | 43 | Serbia | $6,731 | | 44 | Guatemala | $6,200 | | 45 | Malta | $2,718 | | 46 | Uganda | $2,068 | | 47 | Ireland | $2,047 | | 48 | Montenegro | $1,586 | | 49 | Pakistan | $633 | | 50 | Jamaica | $101 | | 51 | Egypt | $99 | | 52 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $74 | | 53 | Guyana | $20 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda | | | $3,852 | | | | |
Argentina | | | $605 | $1,200 | | | |
Australia | $1,064,576 | $570,160 | $1,212,775 | $1,028,544 | $1,332,889 | $797,352 | $474,882 |
Austria | $406,329 | $100,664 | $176,233 | $240,469 | $80,867 | $94,792 | |
Bahrain | $6,649 | | | $17,519 | | | |
Belgium | $433,086 | $568,306 | $340,738 | $275,186 | $340,849 | $489,438 | $285,331 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | $2,188 | | | $74 | |
Botswana | $44 | $1,594 | $628 | $431 | | | $25,041 |
Brazil | $58,000 | $94,689 | $29,375 | $1,007,401 | $45,700 | $77,980 | $108,509 |
Bulgaria | $29,154 | $38,682 | $125,880 | $1,028 | $4,046 | $10,854 | |
Burkina Faso | $35,155 | | | | | | |
Cameroon | $260 | $559 | | | $1,499 | | |
Canada | $1,281,298 | $1,596,001 | $730,860 | $540,962 | $458,699 | $973,198 | $1,107,598 |
China | $112,924 | $489,198 | $886,488 | $1,185,882 | $1,132,857 | $1,422,092 | $1,852,112 |
Colombia | $224,933 | $181,769 | $128,467 | $22,767 | $56,814 | $72,535 | $3,138 |
Costa Rica | | $3,207 | | | $150 | | $170 |
Cote d'Ivoire | | | | | | | $13,852 |
Croatia | | $230 | | | $10,167 | | |
Czech Republic | $1,835,959 | $2,947,931 | $3,105,487 | $3,587,271 | $2,358,455 | $2,801,126 | $3,495,987 |
Denmark | $279,541 | $102,686 | $19,996 | $235,517 | $54,222 | $10,203 | $138,809 |
Ecuador | | $3,692 | | | | | $21,600 |
Egypt | | | | $219,108 | $131,742 | $99 | |
Estonia | | | | | $481 | | $250 |
Fiji | $118 | $612 | $222 | $5,189 | | $20,957 | |
Finland | $93,206 | $114,969 | $132,256 | $167,509 | $390,604 | $579,213 | $414,745 |
France | $2,016,917 | $2,798,154 | $4,246,956 | $435,159 | $1,543,540 | $1,554,883 | $617,739 |
French Polynesia | $18,602 | | | | | | |
Gabon | $62,218 | | | | | | |
Georgia | | | | | $9,507 | | |
Germany | $11,618,000 | $14,486,000 | $14,168,000 | $29,851,000 | $13,215,000 | $11,310,342 | $10,487,342 |
Ghana | $15 | | | | | | |
Guatemala | $1,714 | | $31,170 | $16,343 | $500 | $6,200 | $540 |
Guyana | | $5,234 | | | | $20 | |
Honduras | $6,500 | | $420 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $81,378 | $246,144 | $123,057 | $66,275 | $129,258 | $248,042 | $83,569 |
Hungary | $943,000 | | | | | | $68,000 |
Iceland | | | | | | | $22,301 |
India | $205,385 | $8,482 | $538,280 | $20,465 | $170,829 | $183,881 | $71,663 |
Indonesia | $104,748 | $54,197 | $14,977 | $957 | $92 | $897,606 | $1,532 |
Ireland | $202,298 | $5,727,784 | | $4,474 | $16,167 | $2,047 | $113,524 |
Israel | $3,172,000 | $1,816,000 | $2,977,000 | $3,541,000 | $2,412,000 | $2,263,000 | $3,142,000 |
Italy | $695,848 | $881,068 | $625,879 | $1,542,976 | $1,570,834 | $1,313,317 | $1,469,426 |
Jamaica | | | | | | $101 | |
Japan | $4,464,629 | $5,381,842 | $5,598,899 | $5,160,249 | $5,389,002 | $5,109,305 | $6,495,439 |
Kenya | $82 | | | | $2,027 | | |
Korea, South | $10,612 | $148,634 | | | $49,924 | $25,509 | $8,765 |
Kyrgyzstan | | | | | | | $222 |
Latvia | | | $2,553 | | $4,677 | | $2,078 |
Lebanon | | $5,417 | $888,263 | | | | |
Lithuania | $724,922 | $768,523 | $804,903 | $501,920 | $149,096 | $150,550 | $502,106 |
Luxembourg | | | $28,845 | | | | $33,802 |
Macau | | | $21,769 | $1,668 | | | |
Madagascar | | $19,661 | | | | | |
Malaysia | $46,983 | $12,062 | $207,430 | $4,845 | $17,622 | $114,551 | $157,670 |
Mali | | $77,943 | | | | | |
Malta | | | | | | $2,718 | |
Mauritius | $10,085 | | | | | | |
Mexico | $6,150 | $356,988 | | $19,691 | $42,753 | $27,180 | $264,960 |
Moldova | | | | | | $15,391 | |
Mongolia | | $64,431 | | | | | |
Montenegro | | | | | $7,695 | $1,586 | |
Morocco | $11,180 | | | | | | |
Mozambique | | | | $2,061 | | | |
Namibia | $13,845 | $9,127 | $11,962 | $8,589 | | | |
Netherlands | $1,498,620 | $2,184,778 | $1,700,930 | $1,647,462 | $1,363,191 | $473,494 | |
Netherlands Antilles | | | | $101 | | | |
New Caledonia | | | | | $6,568 | | |
New Zealand | $536,605 | $752,858 | $568,774 | $548,301 | $715,683 | $751,757 | $476,827 |
Niger | $760 | $2,079,178 | | | | | |
Nigeria | | | $2,089,056 | $2,769,369 | | | |
Norway | $27,468 | $6,477 | $18,158 | $29,702 | $94,783 | $37,984 | $133,772 |
Oman | | | $25,909 | | | | |
Pakistan | | | | | | $633 | |
Panama | | $500 | | | | $24,165 | $17,968 |
Peru | $1,523 | $16,646 | | $13,983 | $25,710 | | |
Philippines | $141 | $8,456 | | | | | |
Poland | $250,028 | $375,355 | $424,993 | $318,605 | $234,831 | $268,073 | $393,351 |
Portugal | | $8,000 | $3,856 | $1,179 | $18,638 | $15,233 | $33,545 |
Qatar | | | $9,025 | $2,130 | $11,352 | | |
Romania | | $500 | | | | | |
Saudi Arabia | $12,221 | $23,249 | $566,122 | | | | |
Serbia | | | $9,392 | $4,769 | $30,422 | $6,731 | $20,819 |
Singapore | $14,299 | $175,559 | | | | | $306,494 |
Slovakia | | | | | $622,568 | $335,695 | $239,245 |
Slovenia | $823,235 | $393,389 | $403,187 | $3,970 | $118,208 | $78,881 | $3 |
South Africa | $362,861 | $263,150 | $253,797 | $179,523 | $531,227 | $1,890,123 | $1,391,058 |
Spain | $2,890,659 | $3,089,788 | $3,995,936 | $4,213,710 | $3,158,673 | $4,191,798 | |
Sri Lanka | $119 | | $25 | | | | |
Sudan | | | | | $1 | | |
Suriname | | | $18,547 | | $200 | | |
Swaziland | $66 | | $461 | | | | |
Sweden | $199,487 | $60,432 | $182,139 | $102,549 | $69,402 | $59,432 | $548,460 |
Switzerland | $493,603 | $465,488 | $767,544 | $401,723 | $865,420 | $489,795 | $507,968 |
Tanzania | | | $134,155 | | | | |
Thailand | $73,302 | $33,475 | $936,335 | $923,115 | $1,154,758 | $674,860 | $405,438 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | $195,092 | | | | | |
Tunisia | | | | $337,372 | | $31,474 | |
Turkey | $10,737 | $14,219 | $2,634 | $113,275 | $57,040 | $36,245 | $5,240 |
Uganda | | | | | | $2,068 | |
Ukraine | $725,386 | $790,637 | $443,044 | $659,020 | $486,975 | $481,324 | $580,378 |
United Arab Emirates | $80,285 | | $167,939 | $71,244 | | | |
United States | $8,741,490 | $8,093,400 | $9,722,240 | $7,496,728 | $3,813,296 | $2,650,441 | $3,652,196 |
Venezuela | | | | | $80 | | |
Vietnam | | | $305 | | $1,300 | | |
Yemen | | $610,875 | | $500 | | | |